Plotting Mrsid to JPG

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by blammo, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. blammo

    blammo Guest


    I have a wierd problem.

    I can't seem to plot more than nine (9) MrSID tiles to a JPG file at a
    time. If I zoom in far enough to have less than ten MRSID file in the
    plotting area, then the JPG is plotted correctly. I there are more then
    nine (from my cursory testing) Every other Mrsid Image tile is skipped
    in the plotting process and replaced by the background color of the JPG.

    Anyone run into this before.

    It smacks of a Memory problem or possibly some setting somewhere.

    This occured in both 2002 and 2005(I was hoping this would fix it).

    Are there any limits specified anywhere for importing or plotting a set
    number of image tiles, specifically MRSID?

    blammo, Jun 3, 2004
  2. blammo

    Eric Camper Guest

    How big is the total image size....Can you export one image instead of a
    bunch of tiled ones...If you plot is no bigger than 24x36 then the combined
    images should not toal up more than 150 dpi or 3600x5400 roughly....That
    might help....As far as number of images...Hmmmm...I think I have had only 4
    or 5 jpegs from sid combined.....But I will check and see


    Eric Camper, Jun 4, 2004
  3. blammo

    blammo Guest

    You have it backwards I think. I'm trying to export a single JPG plot
    from many MrSid tiles.

    As an example of the problem, see here:,1752,1312&size=438+328&pick.x=430&pick.y=163

    The White strip is an artifact of a bad plotting operation by AutoCAD.
    These image are generated from a set (140+) MrSid source files. Each
    level of resolution has it's own set of JPG tiles generate by Plotting
    From AutoCAD. Some plot out entirely, others do not. The white areas
    seem to be related to being close to the edges of a MrSid tile.

    When I first posted I was speaking of plotting from many MrSid tiles to
    a single JPG. Now I have found some down at the higher resolution that
    are related to being at the nieghboring edges of the MrSid tiles. Each
    MrSid tile has a coverage area or 5000 x 5000 ft. with 0.5ft per pixel.
    Very big images 40 megs each. I have them all imported at the same time.

    I find it interesting that this phenomenon only shows itself intermittently.

    ...Can you export one image instead of a
    I export a 1000 x 1000 pixel image, at 16 ft per pixel.
    Again I think you're reading my problem backwards. I'm trying to plot a
    single JPG using many MRSID inserted into a AutoCad session.
    Thanks for the help.

    blammo, Jun 5, 2004
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