Plotting Mr. SId images

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by smuller, May 5, 2004.

  1. smuller

    smuller Guest

    I am plotting to a Hp Designjet 1055cm plus. I am using the hpgdi8.hdi driver. when I plot anything other than a .tif image I can print once and then I have to reboot my computer to print the next one. If I try to print two images in a row it will print one and on the second one it will say it is spooling but it never goes anywhere and AutoCAD will not respond. I have to ctrl-alt-delete and reboot. it's not all images, it just seems to be the compressed image file formats that i'm having the problem with. Hopefully someone can help me.
    smuller, May 5, 2004
  2. smuller

    Keith Guest

    smuller typed the following message:
    We just had the same problem with LDD4, in the custom properties, Advanced
    tab, make sure "show printing progress" is unchecked.
    Keith, May 12, 2004
  3. smuller

    Keith Guest

    TDean Saadallah typed the following message:
    too bad that's not going to solve his problem.... Nice try Dean, next time
    tell him to read the manual :)
    Keith, May 12, 2004
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