Plotting management

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Greg, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Greg

    Greg Guest

    I am looking for some recommendations to help on some plotting management
    issues. I'm not real sure where to begin. We have both AutoCAD Arch Desktop
    3.3 and AutoCAD LT 2002 on our workstations. Currently we have a KIP 2910
    plotter. We plot a good volume (though not excessive) and I am looking for a
    better way to manage these plot jobs. Out AutoCAD is configured to use teh
    KIP software but we still must enter all the requested info (ie. jobnumber
    (since this is unique) and description) won every page when plotting from
    withing AutoCAD itself. I would alos like to bettr analyse teh log file
    created on the plotter controller so I can track waste and such.

    Are there software tools available to help manage plotting better than the
    default capabilities of AutoCAD of the plotters software. Does anyone else
    here use them adn can recommend anything that will help me out.
    Greg, Mar 11, 2005
  2. Greg

    Matt Pearson Guest

    You may want to check out a product we offer called Plot Minder.

    It allows you to record all of the information you need to recover your
    plotting costs. Everything is automatically captured transparently, even
    the job number. There is even a Flash demo on the product page that can be
    viewed. This plot tracking software works inside AutoCAD and is not
    specific to any printer or plotter.

    Best regards,

    Matt Pearson
    CAD fx, Inc.
    (877) 741-2175
    (810) 732-0085
    Matt Pearson, Mar 11, 2005
  3. I recommend Argos Print Tracking from Sepialine We have been using for it for over
    a year so far no complaints, It is user friendly, centralized
    administration and installation.

    Jose Hernandez, Mar 11, 2005
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