Plotting Log

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by stck2mlon, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. stck2mlon

    stck2mlon Guest

    I am pretty new to VBA and am trying to create a plotting log and have a few questions. The purpose of my app is to write an entry into Excel with all of the options I select from a series of combobox controls.

    Question 1:
    The follow string of code works but if I pull down on the combobox arrow and click it again to make it come come back to normal then pull down again the number multiplies.

    Private Sub cmbBill_DropButtonClick()
    cmbBill.AddItem "Yes"
    cmbBill.AddItem "No"
    End Sub

    First Click:

    Second Click

    And so on. Very frustrating.

    Next Question:
    How do I get a combobox to pull the list from my system printers. The follow code probably needs refining.

    Private Sub cmbPlotter_DropButtonClick()
    Dim PlotDev As Object
    PlotDev = objPrinter.GetPlotDeviceNames
    cmbPlotter.AddItem varPlotDev
    'cmbPlotter.AddItem "HP 1055CM"
    'cmbPlotter.AddItem "HP LaserJet 5000N"
    'cmbPlotter.AddItem "HP InkJet 2300"
    End Sub

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    stck2mlon, Apr 21, 2004
  2. Hi Stuck (I'll assume),

    Question 1:
    Your code is in the wrong place. You don't want to add items to the combo
    box each time you click the button -- instead what you need to do is add
    items to the combo box when the form is being initialize. Move your two
    lines of code into the Form's INITIALIZE event.

    Next Question:
    I added/changed the lines marked with **. Your code needs to loop through
    the array of plot devices and AddItem them one at a time.
    ** Dim varPlotDev As Object, i as Integer
    ** for i = lbound(varPlotDev) to ubound(varPlotDev)
    ** cmbPlotter.AddItem varPlotDev(i)
    ** next 'i
    James Belshan, Apr 21, 2004
  3. stck2mlon

    stck2mlon Guest

    Sorry, again because I am new. How would the loop look?
    stck2mlon, Apr 21, 2004
  4. That's ok... I've already included the loop that I had mentioned. It's the
    FOR...NEXT part of the code. And.... since I didn't run the code after I
    typed it, I see I forgot to change your Dim line correctly. Replace the DIM
    statement with:

    Dim varPlotDev As Variant, i as Integer

    Also, try adding this line right before the AddItem statement. It will
    print out the names into the "Immediate" window in the VBA editor for you to
    Debug.Print "Printer #" & i & ": " & varPlotDev(i)

    Lastly, objPrinter needs to be set to something meaningful somewhere else in
    your project. What is it defined as? I mean, do you have a "Set objPrinter
    = " statement somewhere else in your project?

    James Belshan, Apr 21, 2004
  5. stck2mlon

    stck2mlon Guest

    Actually, here is the project.

    Public Sub PlotLog()
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbBill_DropButtonClick()
    cmbBill.AddItem "Yes"
    cmbBill.AddItem "No"
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbProjNo_DropButtonClick()
    With cmbProjNo
    .AddItem "0001"
    .AddItem "0002"
    .AddItem "0003"
    .AddItem "0004"
    .AddItem "0005"
    .AddItem "0006"
    .AddItem "0007"
    End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbLayout_DropButtonClick()
    Dim acLayout As AcadLayout
    For Each acLayout In ThisDrawing.Layouts
    cmbLayout.AddItem acLayout.Name
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbColor_DropButtonClick()
    cmbColor.AddItem "Color"
    cmbColor.AddItem "B&W"
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbPlotter_DropButtonClick()
    Dim varPlotDev As Object, i As Integer
    varPlotDev = objPrinter.GetPlotDeviceNames
    For i = LBound(varPlotDev) To UBound(varPlotDev)
    cmbPlotter.AddItem varPlotDev(i)
    Next 'i
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbMedia_DropButtonClick()
    cmbMedia.AddItem "Bond"
    cmbMedia.AddItem "Vellum"
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbQuality_DropButtonClick()
    cmbQuality.AddItem "Draft"
    cmbQuality.AddItem "Normal"
    cmbQuality.AddItem "Best"
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
    Dim excel As Object
    Dim excelsheet As Object
    Dim exapp As Object

    On Error Resume Next
    Set excel = GetObject(, "Excel.application")
    If Err <> 0 Then
    Set excel = CreateObject("Excel.application")
    If Err <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "Could not load Excel.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Error report"
    End If
    End If

    On Error GoTo 0
    excel.Visible = False
    Set exapp = excel.workbooks.Open("c:\Temp\DrawingLog\Drawinglog.xls")

    DWGNAME = ThisDrawing.Name
    DWGPATH = ThisDrawing.Path
    DWGBILL = cmbBill.Value
    DWGPROJNO = cmbProjNo.Value
    DWGCOPY = txtCopy.Value
    DWGLAY = cmbLayout.Value
    DWGCOLOR = cmbColor.Value
    DWGPLOT = cmbPlotter.Value
    DWGSIZE = cmbSize.Value
    DWGMEDIA = cmbMedia.Value
    DWGQUAL = cmbQuality.Value

    todaysdate = Date
    rownum = 2
    columnnum = 1

    Set excelsheet = excel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("PlotLog")

    With exapp
    Do Until excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 1).Value = "" Or excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 1).Value = DWGNAME
    rownum = rownum + 1

    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 1).Value = DWGPATH + "\" + DWGNAME
    If excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 1).Value = DWGNAME Then
    columnnum = columnnum + 1
    End If

    Do Until (excelsheet.Cells(rownum, columnnum).Value = "" Or excelsheet.Cells(rownum, columnnum).Value = todaysdate)
    columnnum = columnnum + 1

    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 3).Value = DWGBILL
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 4).Value = DWGPROJNO
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 5).Value = DWGCOPY
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 6).Value = DWGLAY
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 7).Value = DWGCOLOR
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 8).Value = DWGPLOT
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 9).Value = DWGSIZE
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 10).Value = DWGMEDIA
    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, 11).Value = DWGQUAL

    excelsheet.Cells(rownum, columnnum).Value = todaysdate
    End With

    End Sub
    Private Sub btnAbout_Click()
    End Sub
    stck2mlon, Apr 21, 2004
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