plotting layouts

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by NG, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. NG

    NG Guest

    Hello group!

    I'm trying to plot some layouts on a HP DesignJet 500 using ACAD2005. The
    problem that I face is that the plotting of each layout will stop a few cm
    before the end of the "inked area". Each layout contains two vertically
    aligned viewports and then some text on the the layout itself. The
    viewports are plotted ok but the text at the end is cut! Any ideas why
    this is happening? Any settings i should check?

    Thank you in advance.
    NG, Jan 27, 2005
  2. NG

    Dennis Hyman Guest

    Is your selected paper size the same as what your title block? I know it
    sounds kinda obvious, but sometimes people thought they selected the 24 x
    36, when they actually selected the 22 x 34.
    Dennis Hyman, Jan 27, 2005
  3. NG

    NG Guest

    Oh, yes! But thank you for your input. The point is that each layout has
    different lenght but all stop at the last mtext part. Can it be that? The
    mtext itself?
    NG, Jan 27, 2005
  4. NG

    NG Guest

    Yet another problem with layouts and plotting!

    I wanted to create a viewport inside another bigger one and have the small
    one not transparent. Since that is not possible, I created a polyline in
    such away, in order to leave a free area at the left top corner. I then
    created a viewport based on the polyline and added the smaller viewport at
    the free area at the left top corner.

    Every time I try to plot that layout, the spooling process goes to 100%
    but then the document disappears from the document queue of the plotter.
    There is something wrong with layouts when it comes to plotting! But what?
    Is this a known problem? Any solution?

    Thank you in advance.
    NG, Jan 28, 2005
  5. NG

    NG Guest

    I found a way to plot the layouts with the problems. I initially used the
    custom 600x4900mm paper. That is the custom paper i use for the A1 roll. I
    also had "inked area" checked in my .pc3 settings. Those setting gave me
    the problematic plots.

    I made a new custom parer which has length equal to the length of the used
    area of the layout and kept the same width. Also unchecked the "inked
    area" and save the settings on a new pc3 file. Everything went ok this
    time! The problem was that i had to change for every layout the custom
    length of the paper since all had different ones.

    Is it a "must" to use a paper with length equal to the length of the
    plotted area? Can't i just use my normal 600x4900mm roll which should be
    cut when the plotting is finished?
    NG, Jan 28, 2005
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