Plotting in Architectural Scale

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jprado, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. jprado

    jprado Guest

    Hello All,

    1. I changed the units to architecture (model space)
    2. completed the drawing
    3. changed to paperspace created a layout and a viewport (24x36)
    4. once the drawing was in the viewport, I then entered (scale viewport) in mvsetup (paper space units 1.0) model space units 48 (1/4"=1'0"), but the drawing is way to small.

    How can I get the drawing to match a 1/4"=1'0" scale

    jprado, Apr 5, 2004
  2. jprado

    jonesr Guest

    I suspect the drawing was created in decimal units therefore the drawing is
    12 times too small. Try zooming 1/4xp (48/12).

    in mvsetup (paper space units 1.0) model space units 48 (1/4"=1'0"), but the
    drawing is way to small.
    jonesr, Apr 7, 2004
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