I recently setup the cadence tools for linux at our university and none of our printers are showing up when I want to print a schematic. We have the tools running on solaris10 and we didn't do anything specific to setup the printers (i.e. didn't setup .cdsplotinit), and all the printers are available. I made a .cdsplotinit in my home folder from the template, but when I go to Design>Plot>Submit the printers still don't show up. They do, however, show up when I want to print waveforms (actually they show up twice, once from the .cdsploitinit listing and again because cadence seems to detect the printers by itself). This is very frustrating because I can't even print schematics to a .ps file without a plotter being available. How can I resolve this? Thanks. BTW our versions are: Linux IC: sub-version 5.10.41_USR5.90.69 OS version: (I know its not a supported platform) Solaris IC: sub-version OS version: 5.10 Generic_118833-17