I am experiencing an infrequent but very annoying problem with some of my plots. On occassions when a plot is sent to print all looks well in the setup and on the preview but when the plot comes out of the printer it has been rotated through 90 degrees and has had about 50-75mm trimmed of the trailing edge. We plot from paper space. We use a standard template. Standard paper sizes are being used, A1, A0 etc. We are running ACAD2002 and AcadLT 2002, 8 seats in total. Plotting over a network to a xerox 8830. (using a windows system driver, by autodesk) Windows 2000 workstations with an NT4 server. This is not happening very often, but is not confined to a single workstation. Trying to plot on another workstation doesn't work. One specific drawing has two tabs on it, both are the same set up, in fact one was copied from the other. the only difference is different viewports. One plots correctly the other doesn't. Any ideas on what is causing this and how we can fix it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance Paul.