Plots and previews totally screwed up!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. Suddenly I can't do anything. I feel totally new to plotting. What is
    going on? When I go to preview and come back, the paper size is changed and
    a message on the command line says that the paper size isn't supported. But
    I picked the paper size from a list provided to me. What's the problem?
    This never happened before! I have "Save changes to layout checked". Help!

    Bill DeShawn
    Please reply to group only
    Thank you
    Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jun 18, 2004
  2. I get a report of paper size. It thinks that "letter" is 18.77" x 12.70".
    I am at a loss as what to do.
    Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jun 18, 2004
  3. When I do pagesetup, the plot command doesn't know what I did in PAGESETUP.
    When I configure in PLOT, the next plot doesn't remember what I did. This
    is a sudden change in the way things are happening and it is throwing me for
    a looop!
    Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jun 18, 2004
  4. Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office

    Joe Blizzard Guest

    Is "Page Setup Name" (in the upper right corner of the plot dialog) set to
    "previous plot" or something other than what you want to use?
    Joe Blizzard, Jun 21, 2004
  5. OK. Here's the deal. I create a page setup. Everything seems to check out
    OK, but I get a message on the command line that says that the plotter does
    not suppor the paper size and gives me the correct paper size. But the
    plotter DOES support the paper size. When I go back to the plot dialog, the
    paper size is changed. I reselect the same paper size and hit the plot
    button and it works! Or when I'm in preview, I hit plot and it works. But
    the plot command does not remember what I did last unless I actually tell it
    to with "Previous Plot". When I exit the Plot dialog and go back into it,
    the correct layout name comes up, but the paper size is forgotten and LETTER
    is shown as the chosen paper size. Then, I have to physically go into the
    Page Setup Name dialog and choose another page setup, and then choose the
    one I want again and the correct paper size comes up! This is maddening!

    Bill DeShawn
    Please reply to group only
    Thank you
    Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jun 21, 2004
  6. Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office

    Joe Blizzard Guest

    Sounds maddening. Is this happening on multiple workstations? It's
    definitely not normal behavior.
    Joe Blizzard, Jun 22, 2004
  7. I believe it is happening to one workstation at this time. It's difficult
    to test multiple stations, because I'm the "go to" guy for plotting.

    Bill DeShawn
    Please reply to group only
    Thank you
    Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jun 22, 2004
  8. This may be a long shot, but....try deleting your printer in Autocad. Then,
    go to the Windows print manager and BE SURE all the settings there are
    correct, especially any desired page sizes. Then add the printer in Autocad
    again. I have had problems making settings 'stick' when they conflict with
    the Windows driver settings.
    Terry Scanlon, Jun 23, 2004
  9. Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office

    steedj Guest

    Man, that is weird...
    Does this occur when you print using the actual Windows printer instead of the PC3 file?
    Have you tried printing to a different Windows printer and/or PC3 file and if so do you get the same results?
    Have you tried printing to the same printer via different software?
    Have you done any recent registry editing?
    steedj, Jun 24, 2004
  10. I'm using a PC3 file. I hide system printers so that I don't accidentally
    pick the system printer instead of an unconfigured plotter. It happens on
    more than one printer, too. Different brands, different drivers.

    Bill DeShawn
    Please reply to group only
    Thank you

    if so do you get the same results?
    Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jul 14, 2004
  11. Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Good response. It worked for one printer, but not for both.
    Bill DeShawn, Aug 19, 2004
  12. Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Just my workstation, thank goodness.
    Bill DeShawn, Aug 19, 2004
  13. I never reuse PC3 files from previous versions. Maybe this time the
    exception upgrading from 2004 to 2005. But then again....I check for new
    plotter drivers. When in doubt, I just create new PC3 files from scratch if
    there is an updated driver.
    David Metcalf, Aug 25, 2004
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