PLoting a 3d model

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jemery0630, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. jemery0630

    jemery0630 Guest

    i dont plot many 3d models so what am i doing wrong. made all my viewS is
    pspace, and i want to plot it so it is solid, no hidden lines. Tried shading
    tHE views and ploTting, stilL wireframe, checked hide plot, still wireframe,
    tried plot paperspace last, still not working, what am i missing

    acad2000iMap, HP1050CM DesignJet
    jemery0630, Jul 24, 2003
  2. jemery0630

    Greg Willard Guest

    What do you mean by solid?
    If you checked hide plot in the print dia box that will only work if you are
    printing from model space.
    You need to select the view ports and open properties window, go to the
    bottom and you will see hide plot, change this to yes. then print it. When
    you print it uncheck the hide plot in the printing dia box, having this
    check and printing from paper space will only make you solid text (if you
    have any like arial) hollow.
    Greg Willard, Jul 24, 2003
  3. jemery0630

    jemery0630 Guest

    Thanks Greg, I got it to work, i had it setup similiar to your advice. Still
    didnt work, I restarted the plotter amd printed and it worked..go figure.
    jemery0630, Jul 24, 2003
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