Plot trim line for 42x30 sheet on 36" roll

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dwwerner, Jul 1, 2003.

  1. dwwerner

    dwwerner Guest

    I am currently using AutoCAD 2000 and plotting drawing out on a HP 1050C in a Windows 98 enviroment.
    If I draw a line at the top it will not plot; If I shift the origin to plot the line it plots the sheet almost a 5/8" longer which would required two trim lines
    Does anyone have any idea on a way to plot a trim line on a 42x30 drawing that will show up on a 36" roll feed paper?
    dwwerner, Jul 1, 2003
  2. dwwerner

    Rick Moore Guest

    If you want the machine to trim to the exact margins you need to plot to the
    exact margins, 35.61 x 41.34 is the printable area for 36 x 42. So if you
    plot a window that size it should do what you want.
    You are aware, however, that there are 30" rolls for that plotter? Sure
    beats manually trimming


    Rick Moore
    Barnes Gromatzky Kosarek Architects
    (512) 476 7133
    (512) 478 2624 FAX

    plot the line it plots the sheet almost a 5/8" longer which would required
    two trim lines
    that will show up on a 36" roll feed paper?
    Rick Moore, Jul 1, 2003
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