Plot Tracking and Batch Printing Support with Print Audit 4

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Sales Rep, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Sales Rep

    Sales Rep Guest

    Print Audit 4 is the only client-based print/plot tracking software on
    the market today that can deliver accuracy,flexibility, reliability,
    ease of use and full functionality, all for a very reasonable price.

    Print Audit 4 enables businesses to track and capture one hundred
    percent of their print information from all print devices including
    digital copiers, plotters, network printers and local printers.

    Print Audit 4 is the only total solution on the market with AutoCAD
    and MicroStation plug-ins.

    Print Audit 4 is compatible with virtually all spreadsheets, databases
    and accounting programs. Print Audit 4 includes a silent install tool
    that allows it to be easily installed to a large user base via logon
    scripts. Print Audit may also be installed with most mass installer
    programs including SMS and Zen Works. Print Audit 4 is workstation
    based and therefore does not have any active server processes. The
    architecture of Print Audit was designed with flexibility in mind. We
    currently support Microsoft Access, Novel, Microsoft SQL Server and
    Oracle databases.

    To download the fifteen day trial visit:

    To visit our FAQ page visit

    For feature details visit:

    Feel to call us toll free for more information or for free suppport at
    877-41AUDIT (2-8348)

    The advantage that Print Audit has over it's competitors is the ease
    with which 100% complete and accurate information is obtained using
    our Client-Based tracking program. Print Audit requires no alteration
    of the existing network in order to capture 100% of the printing
    activity. Print Audit is future friendly in that as printer
    technologies move toward independent IP addressing and servers, no
    stand alone print server need be maintained for tracking purposes
    Sales Rep, Oct 8, 2003
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