Plot Style Table Search Path

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Angelika Jaehrlich, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. To prevent cad operators overwriting standards ctb files in our office the
    plot style table search path has been set to the network drive to which
    they have no write access capabilities.
    For none standard plots the operator has to reset the plot style table
    search path to the local drive on their work station by changing the path
    (Options - Printer Support File Path- Plot Style Tabel Search Path).

    Can anybody give some input how to place a quick switch in a toobar or lisp.

    Thanks in advance

    Gerrit Timmarman
    McElhanney Consulting Services
    Surrey, Canada
    Angelika Jaehrlich, Nov 17, 2004
  2. Gerrit, try -
    (vla-put-PrinterStyleSheetPath (vla-get-Files (vla-get-Preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) "S:\\ACAD\\CTB")

    -replace "S:\\ACAD\\CTB" with your network path - note the double slashes.

    If your office uses a common acad.lsp then you could add this to that file until all user settings have been modified. If not - then put the code into a text file named e.g. ctb_path.lsp and use appload to load from each station.

    Also - if you are using the profile switch in a desktop shortcut to open Acad - you will need to modify the .arg files accordingly.

    hope this helps

    petersciganek, Nov 17, 2004
  3. For:
    Drawing Template File Location
    Printer Configuration Search Path
    Plot Style Table Search Path

    that allow only one entry, but they do search subdirectories
    and also search shortcuts located in the specified directory.

    place shortcuts to whatever additional directories
    you want searched.


    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Nov 17, 2004
  4. Angelika  Jaehrlich

    Matt W Guest

    That's exactly how I have things set up here.

    There's a directory with all of our "standard" ctb, pc3 etc... Then within
    that directory is a shortcut to a read-write directory that anyone can add
    ctbs to.
    Works out really well.
    Matt W, Nov 17, 2004
  5. Angelika  Jaehrlich

    Josh Guest

    In ACAD.LSP (with ACADLSPASDOC = 1 [load ACAD.LSP in every drawing]) I have
    the following:

    (setenv "PrinterStyleSheetDir" (strcat "\\\\SERVER\\STANDARDS\\Plot Styles"
    ";" (getvar "dwgprefix")))

    I have AutoCAD look in two places: the Standard (protected) network folder
    and the path of the current open drawing. Because some of our drawings
    require non-standard CTB's to be created, I require our drafters create
    non-standard CTB's in the same network project folder as the drawing that
    will use it. That way, everyone sees the CTB when they open the drawing as
    opposed to it being unavailable on someone's workstation.

    Because the above line doesn't account for two drawings with different
    prefixes being open at the same time (the last drawing opened sets the Plot
    Styles path) I created a reactor in ACAD.LSP to update the path when the
    drawings are switched:

    (defun TrapActivateDwg (reactor callbackData)
    ;;Reset Plot Styles folder when drawing is switched
    (setenv "PrinterStyleSheetDir" (strcat "\\\\SERVER\\STANDARDS\\Plot
    Styles" ";" (getvar "dwgprefix")))
    ;;TrapActivateDwg reactor - catch focus changes between open drawings
    (vlr-docmanager-reactor nil '(:)vlr-documentBecameCurrent .
    Josh, Nov 17, 2004
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