Plot STyle Acting Weird

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by joshua.nave, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. joshua.nave

    joshua.nave Guest

    Just got done investiagting a claim that the plot styles where not
    showing up for one user. We are using autocad2004, i know nothing about
    it. If i leave out info let me me know. Ok: Go to print and then change
    the plot style, there is a list in there of about 6. change it to
    blah_2 and then go back to view the list and it repopulates it with
    another list alltogether. Is there anything that can be done for that,
    maybe change the path or when it repopulates the list? Im really newbie
    at this and searchin forms as i can. Thanks for your help in advance
    Take it easy!

    joshua.nave, Apr 14, 2005
  2. joshua.nave

    joshua.nave Guest

    Seems that i fixed the problem, there was multiply installs of autocad,
    previous versions, had to remove those registry entries, it was check
    in in a differnt place each time it refresed the plot style views.
    joshua.nave, Apr 15, 2005
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