Plot Stamp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by trvlnmny, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. trvlnmny

    trvlnmny Guest

    I have the 'educational' version of AC LT 2008. On all plots it places
    a border saying "produced by an Autodesk educational product".
    Does anyone know of a way to turn this feature off?
    thanks for any and all help.
    trvlnmny, Nov 5, 2007
  2. trvlnmny

    Paul Turvill Guest

    No. It's there for a reason (isn't that obvious?).

    If you're using the educational version as a student, then your instructors
    will understand. If you're doing commercial work, shame on you; you won't
    find much sympathy here from those who have paid "full admission."
    Paul Turvill, Nov 5, 2007
  3. trvlnmny

    trvlnmny Guest

    Thanks for your reply.
    I am not doing 'commercial' work, nor am I a student. I do woodworking
    as a hobby and like to draw what I am going to make. Anything made is
    for family, friends or myself. Nothing is sold as I consider myself
    fully retired. AC was given to me by a grandson who is a student and
    was doing me a favor.
    I just find that the plot stamp overwrites some of my drawing and
    would like to be rid of it.
    trvlnmny, Nov 5, 2007
  4. trvlnmny

    Chip Harper Guest

    Thats the way it is supposed to work. A security feature set in place to
    keep people from buying the less expensive Educational Version and trying to
    do production work. Another thing,, every drawing and block that you create
    will carry that watermark. Send a block to someone using full version and
    the watermark goes with it.
    Chip Harper, Nov 5, 2007
  5. trvlnmny

    qamar Guest

    hi, for this type of prob.
    go to plot through file menu. In the plot dialog box uncheck tne
    square opposite to plot stamp ON on the right hand side of the dialog
    box above the page orientation setting.
    qamar, Nov 7, 2007
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