Plot Stamp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by trvlnmny, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. trvlnmny

    trvlnmny Guest

    I have the 'educational' version of AC LT 2008. On all plots it
    a border saying "produced by an Autodesk educational product".

    Does anyone know of a way to turn this feature off?

    I am not doing 'commercial' work, nor am I a student. I do
    as a hobby and like to draw what I am going to make. Anything made is
    for family, friends or myself. Nothing is sold as I consider myself
    fully retired. AC was given to me by a grandson who is a student and
    was doing me a favor.

    I just find that the plot stamp overwrites some of my drawing and
    would like to be rid of it.

    Thanks for any and all help.
    trvlnmny, Nov 5, 2007
  2. trvlnmny

    S. Smith Guest

    I have the same version Acad 2007. I did not know about the plot stamp. It
    said nothing about it on the box. When I opened up the box and installed
    it, the poop sheet inside with the discs explained the plot stamp. I cannot
    use it as I do work for profit. There is NO WAY to remove it without
    damaging the program or your computer. There have been lawsuits regarding
    architectural firms getting these files. I wasted $400 on this. I don't
    know what the stamp looks like as I never totally installed the program. I
    deleted it and I am using another version of acad. When I first encountered
    this, one web site mentioned someone may sue Auto Desk for installing a
    virus in the program. I have never heard any more about it. I am glad you
    did not spend any money for the program.
    S. Smith, Nov 6, 2007
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