PLot Stamp Stopped Working

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by chrisb, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. chrisb

    chrisb Guest

    I've read many other posts on this, so I'm pretty sure no one is going to know the answer, but -
    Does anybody have any idea what controls whether or not the Plot Stamp is enabled? Besides the obvious like making sure it's on, is in a printable area, is not read-only, etc. It still works fine on our laser printer, but stopped working on our large roll-feed (Hewlet Packard Design Jet 500PS). So I know the .pss file can't be corrupt, right? Hint: had to reinstall the driver for this plotter because it was causing the plotter to print in greyscale even though ALL appropriate settings were indicating no greyscale (pen settings, driver settings, etc.)
    -Is the plotstamp controlled by the driver? Could this be the 3rd time in 4 days that I'll have to reinstall that stupid thing?
    chrisb, Sep 14, 2004
  2. chrisb

    Dennis Hyman Guest

    I would recommend just putting a string of rtext with diesels on your title
    blocks where you want the plot stamp to be. This way you don't even need to
    mess with the plot stamp toggle, just leave it off all the time.
    Dennis Hyman, Sep 15, 2004
  3. chrisb

    chrisb Guest

    Can't do it that way; we include the file path & name in our plot stamp, which makes it sometimes almost a foot long.
    chrisb, Sep 15, 2004
  4. chrisb

    ctc11 Guest

    I'm not sure I understand why you can't use rtext. Can you explain? We have the file path and name and it is long but we still use rtext over the plot stamp feature.
    ctc11, Sep 15, 2004
  5. chrisb

    chrisb Guest

    OK, I've not messed with DIESEL very much - only in some menu customizing. Would it automatically stay current with the date? Would it be able to print the full path of the dwg's file location (perhaps similar to the way a LISP routine would obtain the `DWGPREFIX' variable)? If so, maybe I should study up a bit more on that language.
    chrisb, Sep 17, 2004
  6. chrisb

    ctc11 Guest

    Yes, it stays current. Here is the DIESEL expression we use for the plot stamp:

    DRAWING FILE: $(getvar, "dwgprefix")$(getvar,"dwgname") LAYOUT: $(getvar,"ctab") PLOTTED: $(edtime, 0, MON DD"," YYYY - H:MMam/pm) PLOTTED BY: $(getvar,loginname)

    I think once you play with it, you will find it meets your needs much better than the plot stamp feature.
    ctc11, Sep 17, 2004
  7. chrisb

    chrisb Guest

    While I appreciate your posting that code, but it doesn't look too automatic to me. In other words, I can still be a little
    a) absent-minded - or (more often):
    b) distracted
    and forget to get that info plotted onto a copy.
    What I like about PLOTSTAMP is that, once it's been activated, it launches automatically with the PLOT command. This also looks like this info (from your DIESEL code) must become part of the dwg file (no?) - to get updated with every new day (date) that it's plotted. I used to do it this way with a simple LISP routine, but I like the more foolproof PLOTSTAMP (which has magically fixed itself now, anyway).
    chrisb, Sep 20, 2004
  8. chrisb

    chrisb Guest

    Ohhh- NOW I see what you were talking about. I didn't realize that Rtext is an Epress Tools app (that I somehow missed -for one thing, I somehow never got the help file for Express Tools, or I might have read about it) That really works quite well for what I need - Much more flexible than soon-to-be-forgotten Plotstamp. Thanks for the tip!
    chrisb, Sep 29, 2004
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