Plot stamp question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dennis Hyman, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. Dennis Hyman

    Dennis Hyman Guest

    Is there a way to configure the plot stamp to always be on for some
    plotters, and always off for others? I'm always forgetting to uncheck the
    plot stamp box when I plot an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet, or an 11" x 17"!!
    Dennis Hyman, Aug 25, 2004
  2. Dennis Hyman

    Dennis Hyman Guest

    So, there's no way I can set for on for specific devices, and off for
    Dennis Hyman, Aug 26, 2004
  3. Dennis Hyman

    ctc11 Guest

    Have you explored using RTEXT instead? It has met our needs much better than plotstamp.
    ctc11, Aug 26, 2004
  4. Dennis Hyman

    Dennis Hyman Guest

    I'm not 100% familiar with how to configure the rtext for the drawing, along
    with the necessary macros or lisps to put in the date, path, username and

    In fact, I don't know crap about lisp or macros.

    than plotstamp.
    Dennis Hyman, Aug 26, 2004
  5. Dennis Hyman

    ctc11 Guest

    If you have express tools, just look up RTEXT in the help. It is much easier than it first looks. Not only is it very basic and easy to use, it has many applications. It is well worth the effort. And it should be useable by someone who has little or no knowledge of macros or lisps.
    ctc11, Aug 26, 2004
  6. Dennis Hyman

    tonytwo toes Guest

    any chance you can help from tony two toes
    tonytwo toes, Aug 26, 2004
  7. Dennis Hyman

    ctc11 Guest

    If you have express tools, the command is RTEXT. Next, type D (for DIESEL). The RTEXT editor will come up. This is where you type your DIESEL expression. The expression we use for our plot stamp is:
    DRAWING FILE: $(getvar, "dwgprefix")$(getvar,"dwgname") LAYOUT: $(getvar,"ctab") PLOTTED: $(edtime, 0, MON DD"," YYYY - H:MMam/pm) PLOTTED BY: $(getvar,loginname).
    ctc11, Aug 27, 2004
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