Plot stamp options not available

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pdot, Aug 14, 2003.

  1. pdot

    pdot Guest

    I can do a plot stamp but all the options are shaded and I can't access them. I am plotting on HP750c plus on windows XP.
    pdot, Aug 14, 2003
  2. pdot

    Chip Harper Guest

    Good Morning Dean,

    I run into this all the time because we don't use plot stamping on our
    8.5x11 sketches. Invariably AutoCAD gets closed with the plot stamp
    unchecked which causes the stupid thing to be read only on restart. I have
    found that you don't have to close AutoCAD. You do need to close the
    settings dialog box, then remove the read-only status of the pss file then
    reopen the settings box to make the changes. Saves the hassle of restarting
    Chip Harper, Aug 14, 2003
  3. pdot

    Chip Harper Guest

    Aww, good point. ;-)
    Chip Harper, Aug 14, 2003
  4. pdot

    pdot Guest

    That did it.
    pdot, Aug 14, 2003
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