Plot size 2002 vs 2005 - 2005 much larger...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Sage Cowsert, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. Sage Cowsert

    Sage Cowsert Guest

    I'm running Windows 2000 SP4, plotting to a Oce 9400 using hdi drivers.

    If I plot a drawing from within AutoCAD 2002 I get a plot size of 556kb
    (start, settings, printers, click on printer). If I plot using AutoCAD 2005
    I get a plot size of 2.21mb, both using the same HDI driver. Plotting from
    AutoCAD 2004 I get the same file size as 2005.

    I've tried setting up the plotter from scratch within AutoCAD 2005 and get
    the same file size as from plotting from the pc3 file created under AutoCAD
    2002. How can I get the plot size down to what it used to be? Large plot
    files are making it tough to sell 2005 to my boss.

    Sage Cowsert, Apr 26, 2004
  2. Sage Cowsert

    Sage Cowsert Guest

    I wouldn't necessarily say choked but it takes 5 mins on 2005 vs 1 min or so
    on 2002. Plotting out a 25 sheet project it adds a ton of time.
    Sage Cowsert, Apr 26, 2004
  3. Does your drawing contain raster images and / or OLE objects? If so, we
    made some changes to improve plot quality for HP plotters, and also for OLE
    objects in general. Your settings may have resolved to a higher quality for
    2004/2005. You can try going to the Raster Graphics page of the PC3 editor
    and adjusting the Raster and / or OLE quality sliders downward until you get
    the filesize / plot speed you need with an acceptable level of quality.

    The purpose of these sliders is to address just the kind of issue you are
    seeing - getting the best possible quality / speed tradeoff for your
    particular drawings / printer configuration. Prior to 2004, however, due to
    the algorithms both Autodesk and HP was using to calculate actual
    resolution, some users were unable to get maximum quality for their printer
    capability if they were willing to pay the time tradeoff.

    We have adjusted the algorithms to allow for the maximum, while keeping the
    default settings the same for HP, but best quality for HP is now a higher
    resolution than before.

    For OLE, we are always defaulting to best quality now, since OLE objects
    don't tend to be as sensitive to the size issue. Depending on your
    particular needs, checking and adjusting these sliders should help. Please
    let us know how it goes.


    Terri Beausejour, Apr 29, 2004
  4. Terri,

    I have no Raster Graphics page on the PC3 editor for our HP1050c (driver
    vers. 4.63). Is this perhaps only supported with your Raster Driver which
    only supports certain plotters? (100,500,800,5000&5500).

    Terry Scanlon, Apr 30, 2004
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