plot scale tips required for a new starter

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jpd1009, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. jpd1009

    jpd1009 Guest

    i am trying to get my first plot out of autocad 2004 and am having real
    problems with the scaling of the plot.

    I have gone back to a simple scenario to try and work out where I am
    going wrong but am still not getting it right.

    1. i work in metric (decimal units 0.000 precision)
    2. i have drawn a simple rectangle with dimensions 10.000m by 10.000m
    3. when I plot this at 1:1 the rectangle measures 103mm by 103mm

    i am sure there is something fundamental i am doing wrong

    any tips would be most welcome


    jpd1009, Jun 7, 2004
  2. jpd1009

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    I assume this is meant to be a plot at 1;10 not 1:1? :)

    Have you checked the calibration of the plotter? It seems to me that the
    plotter is 3% out.

    Can you just plot a rectangle at 1:1, say a rectangle of 100mm x 100mm,
    without any scaling, just to check the plotter?
    B. W. Salt., Jun 8, 2004
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