Plot Quality HP1050cm

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sscharver, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. sscharver

    sscharver Guest

    I have a dwg drawn in AutoCAD 2005 and plotted to the HP1050cm.
    The linework is jagged. I thought there may be something wrong with the calibration of the plotter. I plotted the dwg from AutoCAD 2004 and the linework plotted just like it should. Calibration isn't the problem.

    Is there a new driver needed for 2005? I've looked but don't see one.
    Does anyone know of a solution and is anyone else having this problem?
    sscharver, Nov 18, 2004
  2. sscharver

    jwollenberg Guest

    Did you recreate the pc3 from scratch. I had a similar problem and had to recreate all new pc3 file for all our printers.
    jwollenberg, Nov 18, 2004
  3. sscharver

    John Schmidt Guest

    It sounds like the plotter driver in 2005 is set to "draft" mode, which I
    believe is only 150 dpi. Try setting it to "normal".


    calibration of the plotter. I plotted the dwg from AutoCAD 2004 and the
    linework plotted just like it should. Calibration isn't the problem.
    John Schmidt, Nov 19, 2004
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