Plot of "dots" Hatch pattern on Lazer

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chad Wurzer, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. Chad Wurzer

    Chad Wurzer Guest

    Hey all,

    Have ADSK2002 w/ add-ons (Map/LDDT/etc.)
    We print to a Cannon GP200-225 PCL and have
    always enjoyed using the "dots" hatch pattern to add a
    level of gray scale shading to black/white display plots
    for visual ref. Has ALWAYS worked great.

    Now, I'm getting random dots in the hatch show up
    heavy, so looks like bird-poop inside the figure(s).
    Display order is to back, tried numerous rot. angles,

    Have done this for years, and cannot figure out why
    all the sudden, I should check a past drawing hu ?
    To hung up on this one, yet thought to ask if anyone
    else had used this method and then dev. a ??.


    Chad Wurzer, Sep 28, 2004
  2. Chad Wurzer

    Chad Wurzer Guest



    Reconstructed Hatch over-over, even in Paper Space over the model, so UCS
    and elev. 0
    can't get much closer than that. Even in Model, much of what I do is just
    in plan.
    Even assoc. / unassoc., even tried ARSAND hatch at a respective scale with
    the SAME
    results. Any hatch type pattern with dots IN the pattern seams to be giving
    me fits now.

    Have 2005 on machine, yet this was done in 2002 (LDDT3) so should not have
    been a problem.

    I gave up, went to an old standby of ANSI38 that we'll use as well. Had to
    get this out.

    Again, Thanks.
    Chad Wurzer, Sep 28, 2004
  3. Chad Wurzer

    Geoff Tinker Guest



    We use the SOLID fills, and same screened output for our displays in color
    mixed Black/Colors to an HP 755CM.

    Just havn't stepped up the notch to make this happen for black/grays to the
    Never seen this before, so looks like it's time to stop short cutting and
    make this happen
    in the blk/wht display world too.

    Again, appreciated.

    Geoff (Back off Chad's Computer)
    (we need a blanket user name, hu?)
    Geoff Tinker, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Try:

    Francisco Eloy, Sep 29, 2004
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