plot not to scale

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by desmond, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. desmond

    desmond Guest

    all prints are not plotting to scale, no matter which drawing, which printer, (oce or HP) which software, (Acad Solidworks VoloView) or which station I use to print from. On a 200mm line it prints @ 199. seems like a new problem, they were accurate a week ago, and IT. hasnt made any changes.
    desmond, Apr 6, 2004
  2. desmond

    mark Guest

    are u on 2005?

    printer, (oce or HP) which software, (Acad Solidworks VoloView) or which
    station I use to print from. On a 200mm line it prints @ 199. seems like
    a new problem, they were accurate a week ago, and IT. hasnt made any
    mark, Apr 7, 2004
  3. desmond

    desmond Guest

    ACAD version 2000, solidworks 2004, not sure if this is a new issue or not,just checked some old prints, and they too were off slightly, 1/2 % on Acad to 2 % on Voloview SW was @ the same as Acad 1/2 %
    desmond, Apr 12, 2004
  4. desmond

    RickW Guest

    Is drawing in a viewport? Someone accidently changed the zoom factor in the viewport?
    RickW, Apr 12, 2004
  5. desmond

    desmond Guest

    no viewports, just printing full scale from dwg. mode.
    desmond, Apr 12, 2004
  6. desmond

    patrick_aps Guest

    If you want to correct the problem in AutoCAD, you have to use HDI drivers. I think you can caliobrate your plotters there:
    draw a rectangle of 200x200mm, plot it 1:1 and measure the plot.
    Should be done for eacht plotter separate. Maybe you can correct this also on the plotter itself, but sure you can find the answers to the question "would you like to calibrate you r plotter" when configuring teh AutoCAD HDI driver.
    patrick_aps, Apr 13, 2004
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