Plot job data number of copies error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by xxxTed Schaefer, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. AutoCAD 2005 pops up the "plot and publish details", but if I output 3
    copies to a printer, it only shows 1 copy.
    I am getting frustrated with AutoCAD's inability to report the number of
    copies, whether in this dandy new
    feature or in VBA for 5 years now.

    Is there anything I can do to force AutoCAD to report the true number of
    copies in the plot details?

    - Ted
    WD Partners
    xxxTed Schaefer, Aug 20, 2004
  2. "Ramming" sounds so violent! :)

    In one case I was printing to a device, a HP laser. In the other case, I was
    using a PC3.
    I didn't know that PC3s had anything to do with number of copies. I would
    have suspected that
    the PMP would have more to do with settings like this. (It would be nice if
    Adsk would
    give us an api for PC3 and PMP files.)

    - Ted
    xxxTed Schaefer, Aug 20, 2004
  3. Dean,

    From my first response to you:
    "In one case I was printing to a device, a HP laser. In the other case, I
    was using a PC3."

    By "device" I meant direct to a window printer - \\server\device

    I reverified, neither the publish or plot commands will report the more than
    Anyone from Autodesk lurking out there?

    - Ted
    xxxTed Schaefer, Aug 23, 2004
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