plot files not created

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Don Mitchell, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. Don Mitchell

    Don Mitchell Guest

    I am using AccXES Tools to batch plot files to a Xerox 8825. To do this, I first use the plot dialogue to "plot to file" the dwgs I am going to print, then, after those plot files a created, add them into the AccXES Tools. A couple of times now the "plot to file" command has apparently not functioned properly. The dialogue appears to work from the dialogue window--the graphic with the scrolling bar appears, for instance--yet when I go to the folder to which the plotted files were sent, they aren't there. I retried the "plot to file" command (4 times) with the same result. I triple-checked the file path, and even did a search of both the drive the file should have been sent to, and my own hard drive with no results. The files were simply not created. This is obviously an AutoCAD issue. I am using AutoCAD 2004 with Windows XP. Anyone have any solutions to this problem, or encountered this himself?
    Don Mitchell, Feb 11, 2005
  2. Don Mitchell

    Greg Hubers Guest

    I have had numorous problems plotting to file with the last two releases of
    AutoCAD. Haven't found any acceptable solutions as of yet. It's just an
    annoying glitch within AutoCAD it seems.
    Greg Hubers, Feb 14, 2005
  3. Don Mitchell

    latintiger Guest

    I have had similar problems, but what i do is type in 'audit' and it'll go through the whole drawing looking for errors and you have the option of fixing the errors or not. I always say yes and usually it'll find the error(s) and then i will be able to plot. Try it and hopefully it'll work.
    latintiger, Feb 14, 2005
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