Plot File Location

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Andreas, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Andreas

    Andreas Guest

    I have a lisp routine that automatically writes a plot file for me. Before
    R2005 it used to write the file in the folder specified in the 'Start in'
    location specified in my Autocad shortcut icon (under properties).

    Now it can be found anywhere BUT there. Usually in the 'Plotters' folder or
    'My Documents'.

    ****** Is there a variable controlling this? ******

    My REMEMBERFOLDERS variable is set to 0 which means it will start AutoCAD in
    the folder specified in my 'Start in' location. This does work ok because
    when I open a drawing the dialog goes to the 'Start in' location specified.

    Thanks in advance.

    Andreas, Jul 29, 2004
  2. Andreas

    Andreas Guest


    The lisp routine is thousands of lines long. It does lots of things like
    writing the plot date, turning off certain layers, changing the color of
    certain layers depending if color or black plot, makes sure the office
    standard linetype scale is set correctly by using the in-built scale command
    to determine that and so on.

    I can't hardwire the path because our office computers need to send the plot
    files to the D:\ whereas the laptops need to send it to their C:\ or C:\Data
    depending how each laptop is set up as the laptops only have one drive. Then
    a batch file picks them up from the correct location of each computer and
    sends them top the plotter by pressing a button or typing a command in Acad.

    At the end of the day I could hardwire it to just the C:\ drive but I don't
    see what has changed since R2004 that has broken this for me.

    Below I have extracted the bits that relate to the plot file name (If you
    want I can send the whole thing to you.).
    ;sets the layer the title block to plot is on and the name of the plot
    ;file name for the title
    (setq dwgnm (getvar "dwgname"))

    (setq dwgpre (substr dwgnm 1 4))
    (setq dwgpre1 (substr dwgnm 2 2))
    (if (= dwgpre1 ":\\")
    (setq dwgpre (substr dwgnm 9 4))

    (setq JETPLT (strcat dwgpre "JET" TITNO))

    ;Asks to input the file name for the plot only if not a PDF plot
    (if (/= PAPFILM "PDF")
    (prompt "\nPlease enter the DRAWING plot file name: <") (princ
    (prompt "> ") (SETQ PLTNAME (GETSTRING))
    (if (= pltname "") (setq pltname JETPLT))

    ;If it is NOT a PDF plot then plot to the HP Plotters

    ((AND (= (getvar "tilemode") 1) (/= PAPFILM "PDF"))
    ;The actual PLOT command for MODEL space for HP plotters

    (command "-plot" "y" "model" DEVICE
    PSIZE "m" PLTROT "no"
    ; removed 16/Mar/2003 "view" TITNAME
    "window" WinPosLL WinPosUR
    PLTSCALE "center" "yes"
    CTB "yes" PLTHID "Y" PLTNAME "Y" "y")

    ((AND (= (getvar "tilemode") 0) (/= PAPFILM "PDF"))
    ;The actual PLOT command for PAPER space for HP plotters

    (command "-plot" "y" "" DEVICE
    PSIZE "m" PLTROT "no"
    ; removed 16/Mar/2003 "view" TITNAME
    "window" WinPosLL WinPosUR
    PLTSCALE "center" "yes"
    CTB "yes" "no" "no" PLTHID "Y" PLTNAME "y" "y")
    Andreas, Jul 29, 2004
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