Plot Expl'n Summary

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jonathan Chertok, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. Would anyone mind explaining to me the location and function of the various
    plot "things" in ACAD 04? I've been working perfectly in 00 - 14, but never
    really set down to figure out what I am doing with these things or where
    they are located.

    For instance:

    1. Where is a "Page Setup Name" stored and how does it affect a "Plotter
    Configuration", "Plot Style" or Paper Size or other configurations in the
    Plot Dialog Box? Does it set all of these?

    2. Why can I sometimes not get a previously set up Page Setup Name into the
    Page Setup Name dialog box into a new drawing with the IMPORT command
    despite selecting it multiple times?

    3. Is the Plotter Configuration > Name a particular file type? Is it a
    plotter driver and if so where is it stored?

    4. If I want to setup my own folders for Plotter (support) items that is
    dedicated to my custom settings - can I go into the Option and change the
    filepath to a folder in my "My Documents" > folder in WinXP and have all
    these options in the Plot Dialog box look directly in this folder as opposed
    to going to 04's new paths (whatever they are exactly).

    Any advice is much appreciated.

    Much Thanks,

    Jonathan Chertok, Jan 19, 2005
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