Plot Event Toggling

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TomD, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. TomD

    TomD Guest

    I have a simple macro that runs when the Plot event is triggered, residing
    in it's own dvb file. (The idea was that if someone didn't want it to
    happen, they could simply unload it.)

    Now, I have several macros that do various types of plotting, similar to the
    PUBLISH command, but including logging into a database, etc. What I'd like
    to do is have a toggle on the publish type macro forms that will turn off
    the other one. I'm hoping for advice on *good* way to do such a thing and
    would appreciate any thoughts.
    TomD, Aug 26, 2004
  2. TomD

    Matt W Guest

    Why not just have your PUBLISH program unload the other DVB??

    ThisDrawing.Application.UnloadDVB "C:\Temp\Plot Event.dvb"

    I have a batch plotting program that unloads another dvb at the start then
    loads it once plotting is complete.

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

    | I have a simple macro that runs when the Plot event is triggered, residing
    | in it's own dvb file. (The idea was that if someone didn't want it to
    | happen, they could simply unload it.)
    | Now, I have several macros that do various types of plotting, similar to
    | PUBLISH command, but including logging into a database, etc. What I'd
    | to do is have a toggle on the publish type macro forms that will turn off
    | the other one. I'm hoping for advice on *good* way to do such a thing and
    | would appreciate any thoughts.
    Matt W, Aug 26, 2004
  3. TomD

    TomD Guest

    After re-reading my post, I don't think I explained my problem well.

    As it is, now, the plot event triggers a check for a stamp, offering to
    update it for the user (not my idea, but the company wants it to be
    optional). I want the event to fire, if the user wants, but don't want them
    to have to say yes for each layout's plot, which is the case right now.

    I suppose a simple boolean, or some such needs added. I gave that a couple
    quick tries, but it didn't seem to work out, well. I think that is the
    necessary solution, though. Referencing other projects is still new to me,
    so I was probably doing something stoopid.

    Thanks for the response.
    TomD, Aug 27, 2004
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