plot dialog in 2005 is TOO SLOW!!!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jhoffa, May 5, 2004.

  1. jhoffa

    c.prettyman Guest

    I have 57 ctb files in our plot styles directory. Five of those are our own in house standards (well, 1 is standard, and 4 are necessary evils). About 10 of them are legacy CTBs because my predecessor as CAD Manager allowed every project to have its own CTB files, rather than pushing for standardization, and the remainder are plot styles sent by consultants, associated firms, and clients, for whom we were plotting drawings. These typically only stay for the length of the project, but our projects can last for several years.

    We also have 35 pc3 files, which corresponds to the number of devices we have, plus a couple of plotting to file options.
    c.prettyman, Aug 20, 2004
  2. jhoffa

    c.prettyman Guest

    Hey AutoDesk
    Since I agree, in large part, with Robert's comments, I am going to make you an offer to help make things better. I will make arrangements for you to send a team of engineers in here, for a week, or more, to sit side by side with some of my users, and deal with reality for a while. My only requirement is that if you do this, you must also find two or three other firms who will let you do the same with them - I know from my own career history that you guys have to deal with a wide range of user types, and while I think that my office is fairly typical of design oriented architectural firms, I don't want you basing conclusiions on a single sample.

    I don't want to post too much contact info (not that I don't trust you, it's just habit), but call my reseller - Microsol Resources, and tell Emilio that I sent you, he knows how to reach me.
    c.prettyman, Aug 20, 2004
  3. What I don't get it why they could not put out an unsupported fix for this.
    It's not too hard to stop a program from repopulating a list box over and
    over again. We're talking less then 10 lines of code here. So why is an
    unsupported fix not available yet? Post it in the newsgroup and have it a
    use at your own risk or something at the very least.

    Any good VB programmer could reproduce the plot dialog without the bug in a
    day. You might want to go over to and challange someone to
    do it and see if they bite. I would do it if it wasn't for my already 80
    hour weeks.

    An AUGI meeting I was at had nobody using 2005 for several bug and
    performance reasons. Plot and Layer dialogs were the main 2 I think. But
    to me this is a scary situation when bugs and performance outway the new
    features in a program.

    Plottting for 1 has always been a headache and I still can't for the life of
    me understand why from the programming side we cannot do simple little
    things like pass a full filename for the ctb or stb files. I mean isn't it
    easier to find a file if you have the full name rather than a partial name
    and an Option setting for the Plot Style Paths. And the Plot Styles should
    always populate the list with the ones that are in the drawing directory
    also for those people that actually do work for various clients.

    But we're messing with Microstation 8.1 plotting and I can tell you that
    AutoCAD is light years ahead of that both from the user and the programmers

    Rodney McManamy

    518 South Route 31 Suite 200
    McHenry, IL 60050
    Providing Industrial Strength
    PDF & DWF Solutions to the
    Global CAD Marketplace.

    you an offer to help make things better. I will make arrangements for you
    to send a team of engineers in here, for a week, or more, to sit side by
    side with some of my users, and deal with reality for a while. My only
    requirement is that if you do this, you must also find two or three other
    firms who will let you do the same with them - I know from my own career
    history that you guys have to deal with a wide range of user types, and
    while I think that my office is fairly typical of design oriented
    architectural firms, I don't want you basing conclusiions on a single
    it's just habit), but call my reseller - Microsol Resources, and tell Emilio
    that I sent you, he knows how to reach me.
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Aug 20, 2004
  4. jhoffa

    Cadillac Joe Guest

    Part of the beauty of AutoCAD is that is so customizable you can make it do almost anything you want it to.

    I suggest you find someone that knows how to customize and you could solve all your problems.

    I have no problem plotting with AutoCAD or with the layers dialog. Everything is there, it seems to me. And if you can't wait 3 or 4 seconds for a program to respond, you should really be taking Valium.
    Cadillac Joe, Aug 23, 2004
  5. jhoffa

    tstright Guest

    Nicley Said Joe....

    We've been using 05 for a while now and it's running fine.
    tstright, Aug 23, 2004
  6. It works fine for those that don't have multiple directories of ctb files
    located on their network. But the point is that it's been verified by
    Autodesk that there is a bug that causes any change in the plot dialog to
    repopulate the Plot Styles Listbox and hence it should be fixed by Autodesk
    now. Those users having problems should not have to wait and upgrade to 2006
    just to get a bug fixed.

    Rodney McManamy

    518 South Route 31 Suite 200
    McHenry, IL 60050
    Providing Industrial Strength
    PDF & DWF Solutions to the
    Global CAD Marketplace.
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Aug 23, 2004
  7. jhoffa

    lambvindaloo Guest

    I had exactly this problem and took ages to process the plot. reduced .ctb files to 2 and didn't make any difference.
    I switched off background plot options and it now works as fast as it did in 2004.
    would like to use the background plotting option though so hopefully there will be a patch or something released soon.
    lambvindaloo, Aug 24, 2004
  8. You have to realize that background plotting means that AutoCAD opens up
    another session in the background to do the plotting. So it's going to be
    considerably slower and I imagine the other session is also set to a lower
    priority so you can continue to work in the current session. Any printing
    and plotting of a large size engineering drawing is going to take some time.
    It's a ton of information to send and for the plotter to interpret.

    The ctb problem is not with the speed of plotting but rather with the speed
    of displaying and making changes in the actual plot dialog box.

    Rodney McManamy

    518 South Route 31 Suite 200
    McHenry, IL 60050
    Providing Industrial Strength
    PDF & DWF Solutions to the
    Global CAD Marketplace.

    files to 2 and didn't make any difference.
    will be a patch or something released soon.
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Aug 24, 2004
  9. jhoffa

    c.prettyman Guest

    On anothere note, and I wil post this as a new thread elsewhere, but have any of you noticed that the dialog for matching OLE text size does not accept fractional values?
    c.prettyman, Aug 25, 2004
  10. jhoffa

    lvmargitan Guest

    Actually, this is the first post I've made to this subject but I've been experiencing the same problem with the slow plot dialog box. To the point that we have resorted to rolling back to 2004 until a fix is sent out by Autodesk. I've been reading all the discussions I can find on this topic and haven't seen any proposed solutions that sound VALID either. I only have one directory of CTB files and one directory of PC3 files but I'm still experiencing the problems that everyone else has mentioned. 2002, 2004 both ran fine, what changed?????
    As for the guy who posted the comment about not being able to wait 3-4 sec's for a dialog box, I would comment that I wonder how long it takes him/her to do other CAD tasks. You get in a rhythm when you're working - at least I do - and a 3-4 sec (or in my case 10-12) hiccup disrupts us. You're right, Autodesk should be posting a patch to this WELL BEFORE even a service pack or the next release. In the meantime, its back to 2004 for me. Incidentally, we are using Arch. Desktop 2005 and experiencing the same problems but on the ADT discussion groups the users are posting OTHER problems and they suggested I look to the AutoCAD discussion group for plotting issues.
    lvmargitan, Aug 25, 2004
  11. jhoffa

    c.prettyman Guest

    It's not just the drafting rythm thing, although I agree. I want the guy who told us all to relax to come to my office and try to plot out a series of drawings, while my boss, the guy who shelled out all the dough to buy us these lovely computers and all this lovely software, stands over his shoulder expressing his views on the value of his investment in hardware, software, staff salaries, etc.
    c.prettyman, Aug 25, 2004
  12. jhoffa

    Cadillac Joe Guest

    Yeah, I'm the guy that told you all to relax. Pay my airfare, lodging and a days pay and I'll come to your office to show you how to plot. I have no problem batch plotting, or plotting anything anyone wants on demand. I do it all day long.

    I've set up so many custom buttons for different types of plots that they're starting to overtake all of AutoCAD's original toolbars. Someone asks for a plot, all I do is push the correct button. If I don't have the correct button, I make one after I'm done with the task so next time I'm asked, I can do it instantly.

    All it takes is a little script or lisp writing, and some button customization and you too can be on your way to a happy plotting experience.

    This of course, is assuming that you know your way around a computer and the network your working with.
    Cadillac Joe, Aug 25, 2004
  13. jhoffa

    Rick Moore Guest

    Rick Moore, Aug 25, 2004
  14. jhoffa

    tsparks Guest

    We are running Windows 2000 Pro on IBM M Pros with 512 mb RAM; 1.8ghz. I have all ctbs, pc3s and pmps copied locally and the network printer queues are installed locally and am having the same delay in 2004.

    Seems that the first time the plot dialog box is selected, there is a 15-20 second delay. If the dialog box is reselected within a few minutes it responds immediately. If we wait for 10 minutes we get the same delay again.

    This is the chief complaint I have from users at this time. We are ready to migrate to 2004, but I want to get this issue resolved first if I can.

    tsparks, Jan 3, 2005
  15. jhoffa

    John Schmidt Guest

    It sounds like the plot function is searching for plotters or plotstyles
    that are no longer there.


    have all ctbs, pc3s and pmps copied locally and the network printer queues
    are installed locally and am having the same delay in 2004.
    15-20 second delay. If the dialog box is reselected within a few minutes it
    responds immediately. If we wait for 10 minutes we get the same delay
    to migrate to 2004, but I want to get this issue resolved first if I can.
    John Schmidt, Jan 4, 2005
  16. jhoffa

    tsparks Guest

    nope...looked at that...
    it does sound that way, but...nope.....

    One thing that does help is to limit the number of TBL files in the folder.

    Wonder if it is the depth of the folder.....
    Hum...I'll test that...thnx.....
    tsparks, Jan 20, 2005
  17. jhoffa

    jhoffa Guest

    Does anyone know if 2006 addresses this issue?
    jhoffa, Mar 18, 2005
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