Plot Date that updates itself

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Wicker Man, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. Wicker Man

    Wicker Man Guest

    Is there any Lisp routine for Plot Date. When I plot I want to have the date that the drawing was plotted at in the lower left corner. As of now I have a Att in my title block and I can just go in and change the date and plot, the problem is I forget about changing it sometimes and plot the drawing with the wrong date. I was looking for a way to plot the drawing with a plot date that would update itself.

    Wicker Man, Jul 16, 2004
  2. Wicker Man

    Matt W Guest

    We've been using RTEXT for over a year now, and it works great.

    If you have EXPRESS TOOLS, type RTEXT then D (for Diesel) then paste this
    into the dialog box.

    $(edtime, $(getvar,date),MO"/"DD"/"YY HH:MM:SSAM/PM)

    You'll end up with something like this..

    07/16/04 02:37:49PM E:\temp\Drawing1.dwg

    The date and time are updated automatically with every regen of the drawing.

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Is there any Lisp routine for Plot Date. When I plot I want to have the
    date that the drawing was plotted at in the lower left corner. As of now I
    have a Att in my title block and I can just go in and change the date and
    plot, the problem is I forget about changing it sometimes and plot the
    drawing with the wrong date. I was looking for a way to plot the drawing
    with a plot date that would update itself.
    | Thanks
    Matt W, Jul 16, 2004
  3. Under ACAD2004 or 2005 there is a plotstamp build in the core. Just clear
    all other options and leave only DATE checked.
    Same plotstamp was available as plotstamp.arx before (for versions before
    2004), but I don't have it here. If you are interested please let me know
    and I'll look at home for a copy.
    John Georgiev, Jul 16, 2004
  4. Wicker Man

    Don I Guest

    We've been using RText for three years now and have NEVER ONCE heard such
    complaint. I place the RText string in my border file and the border file
    is then XRef'd into the plan sheet and VOILA!



    (remove the exclamation from the email address)

    Don I, Jul 18, 2004
  5. Wicker Man

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    If a recepient of your drawing does not have Express (and therefore
    RTEXT), then all they see is a rectangle with an "X" across it.

    That's just *one* of the many limitations of RTEXT.
    R.K. McSwain, Jul 18, 2004
  6. Wicker Man

    Guest Guest

    Is there any Lisp routine for Plot Date.

    There are zillions of them, because it's such a common need. Do a Google
    search. A common method of automating it is to redefine PLOT to run the date
    stamp routine before the plot command. Or just make a plot stamp button and
    learn to hit it before running a plot.
    Guest, Jul 18, 2004
  7. Wicker Man

    James Murphy Guest

    Along with what R.K. and Terry said, you have to realize if a user doesn't
    have Rtext they don't know what they are missing. They see a big X in a
    place where a date goes and think "I have to replace that x and put the date
    there when I plot" They won't complain if they don't know what to complain


    James Murphy, Jul 19, 2004
  8. Wicker Man

    Wicker Man Guest

    Thanks guy, I used the Rtext and it was just what I was looking for. I have three template borders, I just popped the Rtext into the border and the saved the drawing template and whenever I insert the border the plot date is there and already updated.
    I just hope everyone can read it when I send it to them.

    Wicker Man, Jul 20, 2004
  9. Wicker Man

    BTO Guest

    AutoCAD 2005 (when they don't do the extra install)

    hum, just before 2000i, Express Tools were free for download on Autodesk
    web site, but I agree that too few people and especially CAD Manager thought
    to download them for free ;o) because they already had them with AutoCAD
    And things are always important, some Express Tools features disappeared
    with acad 2004 and acad 2005 except for some people (naturally I don't speak
    about features based on ARX)

    But you knew that.

    Bruno Toniutti
    (sorry for my english level)
    BTO, Jul 29, 2004
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