Plot Crashes AutoCAD 2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jenna, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Jenna

    Jenna Guest

    Anyone else having this problem? We've had AutoCAD 2005 installed now for a
    couple weeks and it was working fine. I did install a new print server
    Monday AM (same name, same plotters, etc), but plotting was still working
    fine until sometime mid-morning today (Wednesday). Now every time you send
    a plot, from any drawing to any plotter, AutoCAD just disappears and creates
    an error to send to autodesk.
    I tried a quick reinstall on one machine, which did not solve it. I can try
    a full reinstall, but as this is happening with everyone all of a sudden,
    I'd love if there was a quicker fix.
    Jenna, Jul 28, 2004
  2. Jimmy Bergmark, Jul 28, 2004
  3. We have had slightly similar hick-upps here too. ( Without any recognizable
    What I have done is completely remove everything related to the printer in
    and re-install it. Just did that today. ( Xerox8830 connected to W2003
    Server )

    Matti Pitkänen, Jul 28, 2004
  4. Jenna

    Jenna Guest

    Yes, I do, but this is happening with both pc3 files and system printers. I
    have reinstalled the system printers on a couple machines, but it still
    crashed...actually, not really just a crash...AutoCAD simply
    disappears/shuts down unexpectedly, without even a pop up message, though
    sometimes it will ask to send an error report to autodesk.
    Jenna, Jul 28, 2004
  5. Jenna

    Jenna Guest

    I tried reinstalling a couple of the system printers, to no avail. This is
    happening no matter which printer I choose.
    Jenna, Jul 28, 2004
  6. Jenna

    Jenna Guest

    As far as I know this is occurring with all machines running AutoCAD 2005.
    Most of these machines also still have AutoCAD 2004 installed, and this
    still plots fine.
    Windows OS is mostly 2000, but also XP.
    PC3 files are on the server and have always been there. They were working
    fine when 2005 was installed several weeks ago.
    Plot style tables also on the server.
    This crash also occurs when printing to system printers set up locally and
    even when printing to pdf995 software (which is completely local).
    It happens with all drawings to any plotter from any machine...the only
    consistent factor is AutoCAD 2005, which would make it appear to be a
    problem with that.
    Only other change I've made recently is replacing the print server, which I
    did Monday AM. Though it is a different machine, it has the same name, IP,
    and all the same print shares and drivers. It was working fine all through
    Monday, Tuesday, and part of this morning...then suddenly, all installations
    of AutoCAD 2005 decided to die upon plotting.
    I'm going to try a complete reinstall of 2005 on my machine, but if that
    doesn't work, I'm not sure what to do.
    Jenna, Jul 28, 2004
  7. Jenna

    Jenna Guest

    That's just it...I can't find anything in the logs or anything that would
    indicate a sudden change in how something was set up. We do have Symantec
    running on that server, but the update happens at 5 am and people logged on
    and successfully printed after that update. Then suddenly, they couldn't
    print anymore (not from AutoCAD 2005, anyway).
    The only errors I've seen in the event log that show up around the time of
    failure are below. There were three of the first one in the morning on
    Wednesday, then one in the afternoon, but that's it. The second one only
    showed up on the server for one user, and I saw it on another user's own
    event log, but it hasn't appeared consistently everywhere. I've read some
    help files related to these, but they really don't seem to apply (or I just
    don't understand them). The paging file is plenty big (mentioned in some
    help files), and I don't really understand about the file path thing
    (mentioned in MS KB 838172).
    Does AutoCAD 2005 do something differently than AutoCAD 2004 (which still
    plots fine here)? And why would it start doing it only a few weeks after
    Thanks for any input and help!

    Event Type: Warning
    Event Source: Srv
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 2021
    Date: 7/28/2004
    Time: 8:31:15 AM
    User: N/A
    Computer: PRIMARY
    The server was unable to allocate a work item 1 times in the last 60

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 00 00 00 00 03 00 48 00 ......H.
    0008: 00 00 00 00 e5 07 00 80 ....å..€
    0010: 00 00 00 00 9a 00 00 c0 ....š..À
    0018: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
    0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........


    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Print
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 61
    Date: 7/28/2004
    Time: 11:17:11 AM
    User: DOMAIN\username
    Computer: SERVER
    The document J:\04187\Contract Docs\$Current Docs\Drawings\04187FP1.dwg
    Model (1) owned by username failed to print. Win32 error code returned by
    the print processor: 259 (0x103).

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    Jenna, Jul 29, 2004
  8. Jenna

    Jenna Guest

    You will not believe the simplicity of the answer to this! The plot stamp
    file was corrupted. After a day of trying everything else under the sun, I
    just had to recreate that file and voila!
    Now I just have to fix what I messed around with on my station trying to fix
    it. Thank God I didn't reinstall on everyone's machine! :)
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions and support!
    Jenna, Jul 29, 2004
  9. Jimmy Bergmark, Jul 29, 2004
  10. Jenna

    Jenna Guest

    I submitted it...thanks for the link. I don't know if they'll count it as a
    bug, per se, but I suppose AutoCAD shouldn't completely fail like that for
    one corrupted pss file.
    Jenna, Jul 30, 2004
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