PLL simulation question

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Adam, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Adam

    Adam Guest

    Hi Friends,

    I am designing a PLL. I am designing the analog parts of PLL
    manually. And I am using a standard library for the digital parts.
    I found that the digital cells do not contain the information of
    spice, netlist or layout. They are for front end simulation only.

    My question is how can I do the simulation of the whole PLL in
    virtuoso without the information of spice, netlist and layout in
    Am I supposed to use some other tool?


    Adam, Sep 10, 2008
  2. Adam

    S. Badel Guest


    what you want is a mixed-signal simulator. Cadence's is called AMS Designer. It will use spectre or
    ultrasim to simulate the analog parts of your design, and the ius simulator to simulate the digital

    There's of course a lot of documentation on the topic, I'm just giving a few hints :

    "Virtuoso AMS Environment User Guide"

    "Running the Virtuoso AMS Designer Simulator from the Analog Design Environment and the Hierarchy

    Another option is to obtain backend views for your library cells, and simulate the complete thing

    Good luck,
    S. Badel, Sep 11, 2008
  3. Adam wrote, on 09/10/08 21:52:
    What representations of the standard cells do you have? Verilog? Do
    you have SPICE in a separate file?

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 11, 2008
  4. Adam

    Adam Guest


    Thank you for your information.

    Adam, Sep 11, 2008
  5. Adam

    Adam Guest


    I think there are only VHDL files(behavioral.asm, behavioral.dat)
    and symbols(master.tag, symbol.cdb and pc.db).
    According to the document, we don't have access to the spice files.

    Adam, Sep 11, 2008
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