I used for years, quite happily, a routine PLJOIN.LSP (c)1999 by Autodesk, Inc. in Acad2000. It was a very quick way of joining a number of line, pline, arc, etc, entities into a polyline. With a two key alias the moves were: [PJ-Enter-Select entities-Enter-Enter] Our office has recently moved to 2006 and pljoin fails about 95% of the time. We are forced to use Polyline Edit which is twice as many keystrokes [PE-Enter-M-Enter-Select entities-Enter-J-Enter-Enter] and just doesn't seem to flow as well. It may seem a small thing, but after years of using pljoin I seem to always stumble over the PEdit sequence. So my theoretical question is: Why does pljoin fail in '06? What is so different about the drawn entities? My practical questions are: Has anyone modified the routine to work in the '04-'06 series (and where can I find it)? And, if it hasn't been done yet, can it be, practically -and I suppose- legally? My lsp skills are very rudimentary; would someone be willing to take this on? Thanks, Joe