PLINE Lisp Offset Question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ed Sallade, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. Ed Sallade

    Ed Sallade Guest

    Can anyone convert this lisp routine in to a workable version for Autocad
    2004. It use to work in 14. Very handy for doing lease drawings.
    Thanks for any help,

    (defun C:OPM;;;AREA:pEDIT:STRETCH:SITE Offsetting stretch one side of a
    Pline to mid point of a line perpendicular
    ( / a b c d e f g h i j k u v)
    (setvar"lastpoint"(setq EPT(osnap EPT"nea")))
    (setq a(getpoint EPT" midpoint between PER to: ")
    b(inters a EPT e f nil)
    a(polar b(angle b a)(/(distance b a)2))
    Ed Sallade, Sep 23, 2003
  2. Ed Sallade

    Jim Claypool Guest

    Need routines m:eek:p2 and m:eek:p2 to check it out
    Jim Claypool, Sep 23, 2003
  3. Ed Sallade

    Ed Sallade Guest

    Thanks for taking a look.

    I believe I found the whole orig. routine.

    ;feature -- looks behind and ahead for other vertexes on same axis,

    ;since many fac man packages include tracing functions that draw another

    ;vertex at each side of a door jamb

    ;but we want this to treat a whole wall, even if broken by a door, as being

    ;between two vertexes

    ;feature -- works on angled walls, to look at the next or prior leg,

    ;and stretch along its axis, a distance equal to the hypotenuese of

    ;any triagle formed

    ;FUTURE -- to add an undo feature ;; hangup is (entget..), which has no

    ;susceptibility to (initget...), and AutoCAD refuses to fix this ;; requires

    ;making operator state a desire to continue or undo, then picking another,

    ;instead of a sensible process of either picking another or undoing

    ; **** COMMANDS ****

    ;Offsetting stretch one side of a Pline, to mid point of a line

    (defun C:OPM( / a b c d e f g h i j k) ; u v


    (command"ucs""w");this is just too much trouble to avoid

    (while t



    (setvar"lastpoint"(setq EPT(osnap EPT"nea")))

    (setq a(getpoint EPT" midpoint between PER to: ")

    b(inters a EPT e f nil)

    a(polar b(angle b a)(/(distance b a)2))






    ;Offsetting stretch one side of a Pline, to a line perpendicular

    (defun C:OPP( / a b c d e f g h i j k) ; u v



    (while t



    (setvar"lastpoint"(setq EPT(osnap EPT"nea")))

    (setq a(getpoint EPT" PER to: ")






    ;Offsetting stretch one side of a Pline, without getting all entities,

    ;just the pline - preset distance, most like offset command

    (defun C:OP( / a b e f g h i j k); c d u v

    (setq D:OFD(defdist"\nOffset\nOffset distance"D:OFD))



    (while t

    (m:eek:p1) ;sets values of EPT, e, f, g, u, and v

    (setvar"snapbase"(list(car EPT)(cadr EPT)))

    (setvar"snapunit"'(2000.0 1.0))


    (setvar"snapang"(angle e f))

    (initget 1)

    (setq a(getpoint EPT" Side to offset?")

    b(angle EPT a)

    b(if(equal b(* 2 pi)0.001)0 b)

    a(polar EPT b D:OFD)



    (m:eek:p2) ;uses a, e, f, g, u, and v



    ; **** BASE FUNCTIONS ****

    ;base function for selecting one side of pline

    (defun M:OP1( / c) ;h i j k

    (while(not(="VERTEX"(lstnent"\nPick polyline side")))(prompt" Not

    (setq e(cdrass 10) ;the leading vertex of side selected

    f(cdr(assoc 10(entget(entnext ENT))))

    ;next vertex, but nil if pline

    ;is closed & side selected was the closer

    c(while(/="SEQEND"(cdr(assoc 0(setq d(entget(setq ENT(entnext ENT))))))))

    ;finding database of parent entity

    ENT(cdr(assoc -2 d))

    ELST(entget ENT)

    h(d:plpo) ;this lists all of the points in a pline

    f(if f f(car h)) ;if no next point, because closed, use start point

    ;here the checking occurs for coaxial vertices before e and after f

    i(length h)

    j(- i(length(member e h))) ;position indicator of point e

    k(1+ j) ; " " " " f


    ;e, searching backwards (and looping back to start, if necessary)

    (while(and(>= j 0)

    (inters(nth j h)(nth j h)e f nil) ;this will be true if coaxial


    (setq e(nth j h)

    j(if(and(= 0 j)

    (member(car h)(cdr h)) ;this is closed pline


    (1- i)

    (1- j)




    (setq u(if(= -1 j)nil(nth j h))) ;this is point before e - need for

    ;angle calc of this side, or nil if

    ;e is start of unclosed pline

    ;f, searching forward (and looping back to end, if necessary)

    (while(and(<= k(1- i))

    (inters(nth k h)(nth k h)e f nil) ;this will be true if coaxial


    (setq f(nth k h)

    k(if(and(=(1- i)k)

    (member(car h)(cdr h))



    (1+ k)




    (setq v(if(= h k)nil(nth k h))) ;this is point after f - need for

    ;angle calc of this side, or nil if

    ;f is end of unclosed pline

    ;next are testing lines


    ; (setvar"pdmode"3)(if u(command".point"u)(prompt"\nU is nil"))(if
    v(command".point"v)(prompt"\nV is nil"))(command".undo""e")

    ;this selects crossing from e to f, and gets a set of everything NOT our

    (setq g(ssget"c"e f))

    (ssdel ENT g)


    ;this function for testing - delete in final

    ;(defun C:OP()

    ; (while t

    ; (m:eek:p1)

    ; (getstring"Paused")

    ; (command".u")

    ; )

    ; )

    ;base function for stretching the side and redrawing anything underlying

    (defun M:OP2( / b) ; w x y z

    ;a, e, f, and g come from m:eek:p1


    ; (setq b(inters a EPT e f nil))

    (if(and(='PICKSET(type g))(>(sslength g)0))

    (progn(command".stretch""c"e f"r"g""EPT a)

    (repeat(setq aa(sslength g))

    (redraw(ssname g(setq aa(1- aa))))


    (redraw ENT)


    (command".stretch""c"e f""EPT a)

    ) ;above was the basic

    ;perpendicular stretch

    ;below we check for the angles of

    ;the prior and following sides, and move

    ;the corners back into alignment

    (setq c(angle EPT a) d(distance EPT a) ;can't just use D:OFD here, because

    ;OPP and OPM don't use the preset

    r(angle u e)

    r(if(equal r(* 2 pi)0.001)0 r) ;the degree to which Autocad

    s(angle v f) ;is too precise really gets

    s(if(equal s(* 2 pi)0.001)0 s) ;on my nerves


    (if(or(not u)

    (equal r c 0.001)


    nil;(prompt"No change in e")

    (progn;(print(angle u e))(print c)(print w)(print x)(setvar"cmdecho"1)

    (setq w(polar e c d) ;to where e was stretched

    x(polar e r(* d(/ 1(cos(- r c)))))

    ) ;to where we want e

    (command".stretch""w"w w ENT""w x)



    (if(or(not v)

    (equal s c 0.001)


    nil;(prompt"No change in f")

    (progn(setq w(polar f c d) ;to where f was stretched

    x(polar f s(* d(/ 1(cos(- s c)))))

    ) ;to where we want f

    (command".stretch""w"w w ENT""w x)






    ;get system variables

    (defun varget()

    (if V:VCHK(varreset)) ;(varget) sets this flag below so will not run twice
    without a (varreset)




    (setq D:OERR *error*)

    (defun *error*(msg)

    (prompt(strcat"Autolisp error: "msg))

    (varreset);(varget) redefs *error* so that an error will cause a (varreset)



    (setq V:VCHK"Y";(varget)has to set a flag so that (varreset) knows whether
    or not to run

    SU_V(getvar"snapunit") SM_V(getvar"snapmode")

    S_V(getvar"snapang") SB_V(getvar"snapbase")




    ;Restore system variables

    (defun varreset()(setvar"expert"0)

    (if SSET(setq SSET nil))(if FILDES(setq FILDES(close FILDES)))

    (command nil nil) ;cancel

    (if V:VCHK

    (progn(prompt"\nResetting variables...")(setq V:VCHK nil)

    (setvar"snapang" S_V) (setvar"snapbase"SB_V)

    (setvar"snapunit"SU_V) (setvar"snapmode"SM_V)



    (if ENT(redraw ENT))

    (if D:OERR(setq *error* D:OERR))






    (defun lstnent(a / b c) ;for R11+ only

    (if V:VCHK(setvar"snapmode"0))


    (while(not(setq b(nentsel(strcat a": "))))(prompt"\n1 selected, 0 found."))

    (setq ENT(car b) ;ENTity name

    EPT(cadr b) ;Entity PoinT picked

    ELST(entget ENT) ;Entity LiST

    D:NENT(if(='ENAME(type(setq c(car(nth(1-(length b))b)))))c nil)

    b(cdrass 0)) ;to make it return entity type, useable in (while...) loop
    looking for an entity type


    (defun cdrass(a)(cdr(assoc a ELST)))

    ;Replaces GETDIST to check for existing value

    (defun DEFDIST (b c / d e) ;c is default value and b is prompt

    (setq d(if c(if(=(type c)'REAL)c 3.5)3.5) e(initget"- +") e(getdist(strcat
    b"/+/- <"(rtos d)">: ")))(cond((="+"e)(abs c))((="-"e)(- c))(e e)(t d)))


    (defun D:pLPO( / a b c d)

    ; (while(/="POLYLINE"(lstent"Pick pline")))

    (setq a(entnext ent)

    d(cdr(assoc 10(entget a)))


    (while(and a

    (="VERTEX"(cdr(assoc 0(setq c(entget a)))))


    (setq b(cons(cdr(assoc 10 c))b)

    a(entnext a)



    (if(=(cdrass 70)1) ;if closed, add first point to end of list

    (setq b(cons d b)) ;if manually closed, by picking rather than "C"

    ) ;option, first point already there

    (setq b(reverse b))


    (prompt"\n\nCommand names (type the caps) are OffsetPline, OffsetPlinePer,
    and OffsetPlineMid.")

    Ed Sallade, Sep 24, 2003
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