Plane orientation question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Haude Daniel, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Haude Daniel

    Haude Daniel Guest


    in order to define a well-defined custom view, I drew a line in
    a 3D sketch fom the model's origin towards the "viewer" and
    planted a plane onto the endpoint of that line. Then I created a
    view normal to this plane.

    This works insofar as the viewing direction is correct; however,
    SW put the plane in some funny angle so that the view appears
    rotated around the viewing axis. Is there any way to define the
    axial orientation of the plane, or should I just rotate the view
    in the resulting drawing to get it straight up?


    Haude Daniel, Jan 16, 2008
  2. Haude Daniel

    Cliff Guest

    In many systems the point/vector/vector format is handy.
    Point for origin, another location to define the X-axis vector from
    that location then another (not *quite* so picky) point to indicate the
    +Y vector from the first location/point.
    Handy way to define a matrix too, sometimes.
    Cliff, Jan 16, 2008
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