Placing Cells between lines

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by PP1, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. PP1

    PP1 Guest

    I've got two lines(trings). These lines represents each site off a
    road. I want to place a cell. The cell must be placed exactly between
    the two lines (middle off the road) AND must have a rotation so that
    the cell has the same direction as the lines.

    For example: I've got a cell that contains the text "STREET". This
    cell must be placed in the middle off the road, with the same
    direction as the road.

    Has anybody a macro or mdl that does the job???


    PP1, Jul 10, 2003
  2. Hi Peter,
    Use (or make an AccuDraw or function key or icon shotcut for) the following key-in:

    active angle pt2;%d;%d;rc=[cell_library_name];ac=[cell_name];as=1;%d;aa=0

    snap to 2 points of one of lines and place the cell.

    active angle pt2 - running "set active angle by 2 points" key-in
    %d;%d - waitnig for 2 points of line
    rc=[cell_library_name] - attaching cell library with cell definition
    ac=[cell_name] - making cell [cell_name] from [cell_library_name] as active for placement.
    as=1 - setting up active scale to 1
    %d - waiting for cell placement
    aa=0 - setting up active angle back to 0 (default)

    please replace [cell_library_name] and [cell_name] with true path and name.

    If you prefer define angle by 3 poits then you must modify this key-in:

    active angle pt3;%d;%d;%d;rc=[cell_library_name];ac=[cell_name];as=1;%d;aa=0

    Krzysztof Trzaskulski, Jul 10, 2003
  3. Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Jul 10, 2003
  4. Hi Peter,
    Without AccuDraw it's like a suicide ;)
    You need a macro or MDL apps.


    Krzysztof Trzaskulski, Jul 10, 2003
  5. PP1

    Dave Preston Guest

    Dave Preston, Jul 10, 2003
  6. Thanks Dave!
    Say, do those little movies help or are they as waste of time/space/effort?
    Just curious what you all think of this approach to posting solutions?
    I figure it's easier to see something rather than read about it.

    Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Jul 10, 2003
  7. They are very good.
    But useless without the sequence of commands
    Thomas Voghera, Jul 10, 2003
  8. PP1

    Dave Preston Guest

    Dave Preston, Jul 10, 2003
  9. PP1

    Jon Summers Guest

    Simon ...
    This is an international newsgroup: it might have been a
    Jon Summers, Jul 11, 2003
  10. PP1

    Jon Summers Guest

    Inga ...
    I appreciate the combination of movie & keyin sequence. The whole is
    greater than the sum of the parts.
    Jon Summers, Jul 11, 2003
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