Place a block every 5 ft along a Pline...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Levon-Austin, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Levon-Austin

    Levon-Austin Guest

    I know there was lisp out there that could do the following: I'm trying to place a block along a polyline (arcs included) every 5ft. I tried using the divide command but you got to know the quantity & total length of the polyline and divide the total lenght by 5 to get your quantity. Any suggestion?...
    Levon-Austin, Feb 10, 2004
  2. The DIVIDE command does what it's name says.

    So does the MEASURE command :)

    Copyright (c)2004 Tony Tanzillo
    Unauthorized reproduction expressly prohibited.

    included) every 5ft. I tried using the divide command but you got to know the quantity & total length of the polyline
    and divide the total lenght by 5 to get your quantity. Any suggestion?...
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 10, 2004
  3. Levon-Austin

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    No wonder I crashed when I tried to post.

    As everyone mentioned MEASURE, then place block on nodes. If you can't see
    the nodes switch the type of node you're using.

    Authorized Developer

    place a block along a polyline (arcs included) every 5ft. I tried using the
    divide command but you got to know the quantity & total length of the
    polyline and divide the total lenght by 5 to get your quantity. Any
    Rudy Tovar, Feb 10, 2004
  4. Levon-Austin

    hawstom Guest

    Do these answers help? The plain old AutoCAD measure command has a Block option that lets you put a block along a pline at any interval. I wrote a LISP that does that and then explodes and edits all the blocks to make civil station ticks on a pline. I call it STACL.
    hawstom, Feb 10, 2004
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