pin placement in VXL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by rick, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. rick

    rick Guest

    Does anyone have a skill pin placer for VXL. I have about 900 pins
    that need to be placed at a certain pitch.
    It would be nice if it would look at the schematic and place them in
    the same order like the VXL pin placer. The pitch function on this
    panel doesnt seem to work very weel.
    rick, Aug 20, 2009
  2. rick

    Edis Guest

    I just tried to place pins a<0:100> and b<0:899> in VXL. I created
    geometrical pins. Then Search->pin->terminal="a*" select first set of
    pins(Select All). Then Align Horiz./Vert. layer BBox -> center
    (whatever), component pitch, e.g. 1.0 and that's it. Works fine!
    BR, Eduardas
    Edis, Aug 25, 2009
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