Pin names not used when extracting layout --> spice netlist

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by decertan, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. decertan

    decertan Guest


    I am using calibre to extract a layout done in virtuoso into a spice
    The problem is that instead of taking the pin names calibre names the
    nets with numbers i.e. M0 2 3 1 4 N L=.....
    This question has been asked before (in 2003) but received no answer
    and I
    was hoping someone could help me. I would like the pin names from the
    to appear in my netlist so that I can do a successful LVS. Thank you
    for your help.

    decertan, Mar 23, 2006
  2. decertan

    S.Badel Guest

    I am no calibre expert, but i can wildly suppose that you have to have
    some code to pick the labels and assign them to nets in your rules
    files, and that this code expects labels to be on a particular GDS layer

    Therefore I can see 3 possible reasons why this doesn't work :

    1) Your rules files does not contain the needed code (quite unlikely, i

    2) Labels are not on the correct layer/purpose on the layout

    3) The layer/purpose used for the labels are not correctly streamed out
    to GDS. Have to verify the Stream Out options and layer table to make
    sure of that - or use any GDSII layout viewer to make sure the input to
    calibre is correct.

    as a hint, look for following commands in the calibre rules
    ATTACH xxx yyy

    S.Badel, Mar 24, 2006
  3. decertan

    decertan Guest

    Hi Stéphane,

    thanx for your help. I have checked my rules file and PORT .. ATTACH
    statements exists for every metal layer. I have also made a pin in
    metal1 and I get a warning from calibre saying that the port and label
    are not attached ? What about this now ????? Thanx again.

    decertan, Mar 24, 2006
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