Physically Hierarchical design flow in PKS and SE

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Max, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. Max

    Max Guest

    Hello dear all.

    I am having a number of questions in performing a physically
    hierarchical desgn in PKS and SE. I would appreciate any help that
    would make this flow more clear to me:

    I am doing hierarchical placement of a design in PKS(V5.13) using
    and with a script like this:

    importing libs, importing the design ......
    set_current_module top_level
    create_physical_cluster -name Cluster1 inst_1 -allow_place_overlap
    false- -allow_route_overlap true -type
    do_push -instance inst_1
    set_floorplan_parameters -bbox_initial {0.000 0.000 41.580 43.120}
    create_physical_instance phys_inst_1 -macro macro_of_inst_1
    -location {0 0}
    do_pull Clester1
    - optimization (stop before final route)
    - saving top level design in Verilog and DEF format

    Where macro_of_inst_1 macro is P&Red in advance and imported to PKS
    in LEF format.

    Then I need to import the outputs of PKS to Silicon Ensemble(v5.30) to
    final wroute, RC extraction and timing analysis (because of licemse

    Now my questions are:

    0- does the PKS script above seem correct?

    1- which files exactly do I need to import to SE in order to keep all
    the physical information plus the hierarchy??

    2- Should I import both verilog and DEF formats? Does SE automatically
    match the corresponding logical and physical blocks together?

    3- how about PDEF format? is it the format that should be used instead
    of DEF for hierarchical designs?

    4- After the design is routed, in order to perform static timing
    analysis, I tried to import tlf models of my lower level blocks from
    PKS to SE along with the standard tlf libraries, but SE complains
    about 'syntax error in name_space' when reading in the TLF files that
    I have generated in PKS. Is it a problem of version uncompatiblity
    between pks and SE or is it a more
    serious problem? does anybody have any solution for it?

    I would very much appreciate any sort of helping in any of the above
    questions or pointing to good tutorial for hierarchical physical
    design in PKS or SE.

    Thanx in advance,
    - Max Edmand
    Max, Sep 14, 2004
  2. Max

    puzzled Guest

    Don't get your hopes up. A few of my colleagues told me
    Cadence is pushing "SOC Encounter" as their hierarchy/floorplan/
    synthesis tool. At one time, Cadence may have 'mentioned'
    physical hierarchy support using SE-PKS, but my same colleagues
    told me there were a bunch of 'provisos/caveats/bugs/etc.'

    In other words, Cadence doesn't officially support that type
    of usage (even if its possible with some manual workarounds.)
    puzzled, Sep 24, 2004
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