Physical Simulation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    Does anyone have any experience running Physical Simulation in
    SolidWorks? What kind of things do you use it for? Is there anything it
    is particularly good at? I have a few examples of simple rube goldberg
    devices using PS, but I wanted to get a wider range of ideas.


    matt, Apr 17, 2007
  2. Matt,

    I have done a few...

    Camera Iris and related gears (checked for clearance issues)

    Vending Machine Vending (and related mechanics) (used gravity to see if vend
    path worked)

    Moving Billboard (4 sided billboard, not the traditional 3 sided - complex
    part motion on cam)

    Laser Scanner Actuator and related Optical Path(s)

    Various other Gear Boxes and Motor (Motion) control Systems (link arm play
    and clearance)

    I like to see looseness and play, as well as gravity of parts falling, etc.
    Also forces an certain parts based on the lever arms and such... some of
    these simulations still have problems - mostly computational speed.

    Aron \(\), Apr 17, 2007
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