photworks is gone

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ssaver, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. ssaver

    ssaver Guest

    Kinda of a long story but here is is

    One of my graphic designers had soldworks with photoworks, he was
    running solidsworks 2004.

    I just took over here and have no real history but from what I can see
    we started with 2001 solidworks then upgraded to 2003 w/photoworks then
    to 2004 solidworks without photo works but the end results was he had
    2004 and photo works was showing on menu bar and working.

    His boss left and in the process gave him some tutorial disks to try
    which he loaded (it was for older version) and it totally mesed up
    everything. We called soldiworks who told us to uninstall and reinstall
    (did not work)then they told us to rename the solid works folder in
    registry and reinstall.

    This worked however 2004 did not have photoworks on the menu.
    We tried to install just photoworks from the 2003 disk (did not work)
    We then installed 2003 (photoworks was there) then upgrade to 2004,
    photoworks not there.

    Any suggestion on how to get photoworks installed and working with 2004
    with the disk we have.

    I will admit, I do not know solidworks and it could be something


    Any suggestions are welcomed
    ssaver, Nov 2, 2005
  2. ssaver

    neil Guest

    you enabled it under Tools/Add-ins?
    neil, Nov 2, 2005
  3. ssaver

    ssaver Guest

    Tried that but , can see it, can check it, but get error mesasge:
    Photowors\pworks.dll\cannot be loaded. Either the Addin or one of its
    components is missing.

    it seems when we upgrade from 3 to 4 it wipes 3 and photoworks. Is
    there a way just to loard the hotowrks from 2003 ontop of 2004?
    ssaver, Nov 2, 2005
  4. ssaver

    Brian Guest

    This sounds very similar to an issue I had with toolbox a while ago.
    Also occurred after an uninstall/reinstall Some .dll had become
    unregistered ( no clue as to how ) and SW would error (same format of error
    message, with wording for toolbox instead ), then crash when I tried to load
    in toolbox. The fix from my VAR for that one was this:

    Try registering the dao360.dll.

    1. Open a command prompt
    2. type 'cd c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\dao' and hit
    3. type 'regsvr32 dao360.dll' and hit enter"

    I highly doubt that this is going to help directly as its unlikely the
    same .dll is the culprit, but perhaps your VAR can identify a similar .dll
    that could have become corrupted/unregistered and is associated with
    Brian, Nov 2, 2005
  5. ssaver

    Rock Guy Guest

    You can install just PhotoWorks. During the install process you have
    the option to do a "custom" install and you can install only the
    applications you want. I believe if you do a repair on your
    installation you can choose just to install PhotoWorks. If the repair
    installation option doesn't give you the "custom" option try
    re-installing and selecting the "custom" option and choose Solidworks
    and PhotoWorks from the list. I'm assuming you have straight
    SolidWorks (not Office or Office Professional) and you purchased
    PhotoWorks as an add-in in 2003? When you do the "custom" install you
    will need a Serial number for both SolidWorks and PhotoWorks.
    Rock Guy, Nov 2, 2005
  6. ssaver

    ssaver Guest

    Thanks Everyone
    Between all I got it going.
    I copied the photoworks folder from the install of 3 and then put in 4
    then used Ad In and it worked.
    Seems to be up and running, just have to wait for him tp get back and

    Glad the old IT guy saved everything disk wise
    ssaver, Nov 3, 2005
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