photoworks2 help please!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest


    I'm trying to do a quick rendering of some clear acrylic parts that are
    fastened to an aluminum frame. When I render it areas where there are
    several layers of acrylic (more than 2) the aluminum extrusion renders a
    dark gray. I've tried turning up the depth settings to no avail. I've
    been using a 'translucent plastic' with the transparency turned up to
    simulate acrylic. It's like the ray tracer can only see through x number of
    clear faces before it gives up....

    Any ideas would be gratefully received!

    Zander, Feb 3, 2004
  2. Zander,

    I've had a similar problem.

    Try these things:

    Go to the PW2 Materials editor where you've defined the acrylic parts and
    ake sure the COLOUR of the material is set to dark grey. Sometimes
    everything will be transparent but the colour is set to a mid grey and it
    makes it seem like it's not as see-through as it should be.... set it to
    white or near-white and that should help.

    Also, go to the scene editor and go to the shadows tab... make sure
    "transparent shadows" is selected. This takes a LOT of processor power but
    is really the only way to get realistic renderings of things inside glass

    These in tandem should allow you to produce a decent image.... hope this

    George Maddever, Feb 3, 2004
  3. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Thanks George, I'll give that a try....
    Zander, Feb 3, 2004
  4. Zander

    PW_Guru Guest


    Unless they've changed things lately, you are correct in that the
    raytracer can only see through x number of clear faces before it gives
    up. It would be too computationally intensive to trace every bounce
    of every ray as it reflects and refracts into infinity. To avoid
    crunching numbers forever, raytracers set a cap on the max number of
    reflections or refractions. To adjust this in PW2 you should be able
    to go to the PhotoWorks, Options dialog and set the max number of
    reflections and refractions a ray takes before it dies. (It's been a
    while since I've been in PW2, so you may have to look around a bit in
    the PhotoWorks, Options dialog).

    I hope this helps.

    PW_Guru, Feb 3, 2004
  5. Oops.... in my first post that should have read that the colour is NOT set
    to dark grey...... but I'm sure you probably figured that one for yourself.

    I'd be pleased to know what outcome you managed to come up with :)

    Happy hunting :)

    George Maddever, Feb 4, 2004

  6. This tells us quite a bit about how badly SW screwed up on PW2, when the
    PW_Guru himself hasn't been using it for quite a while!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 4, 2004
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