Photoworks:where's my glass gone?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Lee Bazalgette - Factory, Nov 11, 2005.

  1. aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh

    SW2006 SP1
    2GB RAM
    P2 3.6Ghzy
    ATI Fire 5600

    Photoworks: Indirect Illumination (minimum as I dont have all year)
    Memory management ticked, highest anti alias, no lights - just indirect

    I have a scene with a bottle in it, using 'white glass' but changed to a
    green colour. I render in preview and it's fine (great in fact) and then I
    send it to render to file quite big and it's fine, then I send it to render
    at 4000pixels across and it takes four hours and I come back and MY GLASSS

    How do I explaing this to the client who wants the visual?????

    Can anyone help me get my glas back, even if it means re-rendering?

    Lee Bazalgette - Factory, Nov 11, 2005
  2. ok, sussed it - bit stupis of me really. I saveed it as a ping and so there
    is a transparency map thing going on, so when viewed in Photoshop you cant
    see hte colour! Save as JPG from photoshop and suddenly there it is!

    Lee Bazalgette - Factory, Nov 11, 2005
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