PhotoWorks - Renering clear glass/plastic parts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by alphawave, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    Could anyone offer a set of parameters for rendeing clear glass/plastic
    parts in photoworks 2.

    I'm just looking for something with a plain background and I don't need
    any sort of scenery.

    I do need to show shadows etc so a plain floor would be handy.


    alphawave, Oct 23, 2006
  2. alphawave

    ed1701 Guest

    Since no one lese is responding...
    To make clear glass, set the color to white or as near as white as you
    dare. When using diffractive materials, this makes your material clear
    (do not use transparent materials).
    However, clear glass sucks in a rendering because it is transparent.
    In order for a clear material to show up, you need to show what it
    shows in the real world, which is reflections.
    So add a mirror (0.1-.0.3) and enable a reflective environment so your
    material has something to reflect.
    Be sure to set the number of refractions so the light can pass through
    every surface of your glass material - if it is a box, the refractions
    need to be set to at least 4 (one for each refractive surface - inside
    of glass body one, outside of glass body one, inside of glass body two,
    outside of glass body two)
    ed1701, Oct 25, 2006
  3. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    Thanks Ed,

    I'm on it now - I managed to get something looking OK - but setting the
    colour to white has made all the difference.

    Thanks again

    alphawave, Oct 25, 2006
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