PhotoWorks Rendering Contest

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rob Rodriguez, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. For those of you interested. I'm going to start running a PhotoWorks
    rendering contest at my website. If interest is high I'll be running a new
    contest every month. For rules and details visit my website. look in the "PhotoWorks" section.
    Rob Rodriguez, Feb 22, 2006
  2. Hello Rob-

    Excellent idea! Brilliant, to have everyone use the same model.

    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Feb 22, 2006
  3. Rob Rodriguez

    matt Guest


    Are you gonna offer a handicap for P-works lamers like me? ;o)

    matt, Feb 22, 2006
  4. Rob Rodriguez

    Rock Guy Guest

    Sorry Matt, no handicap. Practice makes you better though.
    Rock Guy, Feb 22, 2006
  5. Rob Rodriguez

    ken.maren Guest

    Yeah great idea :) I'm in for sure. 2 rules are all I need to see.
    You can only use PhotoWorks and the winner gets to post his materials,
    lighting, settings, etc.....

    ken.maren, Feb 22, 2006
  6. Rob Rodriguez

    Rock Guy Guest

    I have to give credit for the idea to you Ken. It was a good one. I
    already have the rule about using PhotoWorks only for the rendering
    (maybe I didn't make that clear enough, should I reword?) The winner
    can defiantely post his set-up and materials. I didn't want to make
    this mandatory for fear or scaring people off. Once a winner had been
    selected I was going to ask if they would like to post their files for
    sharing. Sound acceptable?

    Rock Guy, Feb 22, 2006
  7. Rob Rodriguez

    matt Guest

    Yeah, I think everybody "wins" if we can learn something from people who
    know what they're doing. You might consider allowing anyone who submits
    to submit their settings because knowing what settings have what effects
    is a good thing. I get tired of doing renders by trial and error,
    especially when getting results with the advanced illumination settings
    takes so long.

    Have you also considered doing the voting anonymously, meaning that the
    images are anonymous, so it doesn't become a personality contest?
    matt, Feb 22, 2006
  8. Rob Rodriguez

    Rock Guy Guest

    Definately. I'll post the images for voting with names like image #1,
    image #2 etc. Once we have a winning image I'll post the images as
    well as the name of the author (important they recieve proper credit).
    This will keep anonymity until the end.
    Rock Guy, Feb 22, 2006
  9. Rob Rodriguez

    ken.maren Guest

    The PW only was clear. Anything is acceptable. I just hope that
    people don't start pulling the "trade secret" crap about their
    rendering prowess. I am using the contest as a learning tool as much
    as a ruler for where I stand.
    ken.maren, Feb 22, 2006
  10. Rob Rodriguez

    ken.maren Guest

    I don't need any credit for the idea. I am thrilled that you are
    donating your time and website for alll of us to learn from. The idea
    is easy. The person that can take it make it a reality should get the
    credit. This will be very fun and look forward to it already.

    I am trying not to be picky but it does not say if we can enter more
    than one image. My suggestion would be to say yes because this is a
    learning process and there is no prize to be gotten unless SolidWorks
    can donate something small month to month. At the same time I don't
    want to make it difficult for you if you start getting and having to
    post 20 images a day. It's up to you.

    Thanks again!

    ken.maren, Feb 22, 2006
  11. Rob Rodriguez

    John Layne Guest

    awh come on guys let me play too!

    John Layne (Rendering in Maxwell)
    John Layne, Feb 22, 2006
  12. Rob Rodriguez

    Rock Guy Guest

    LOL. Your free to download the model and render it John, you just
    won't be able to enter the contest. I'd be interested in comparing the
    results. As you know, I've been playing with Maxwell myself but I
    really haven't figured out how to make it work. I'm also having an
    issue with the plug-in crashing my SW session (a lot). Have you had
    this issue?
    Rock Guy, Feb 22, 2006
  13. Rob Rodriguez

    John Layne Guest

    Other people have reported extra crashes using the Plugin, I haven't
    noticed any, probably due to my work flow. I create the MXS file with
    the plugin and then render in Studio.

    My logic for rendering and applying materials, textures etc in Studio,
    is I believe (I hope) that Maxwell will fix their texturing issues long
    before SolidWorks does.

    PS I'll download the model and have a go at the weekend.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Feb 22, 2006
  14. Rob Rodriguez

    Rock Guy Guest

    How about the ability to enter 2 images into the contest. The images
    have to have the same material set-up but must be two different views
    (ie one image is a front view and one image is a rear view) . Would
    this work?
    Rock Guy, Feb 22, 2006
  15. Rob Rodriguez

    ken.maren Guest

    Sounds good to me.

    You're the boss

    ken.maren, Feb 23, 2006
  16. Rob Rodriguez

    matt Guest

    Do you have guidelines such as image format, file size?

    Also, what about a deadline date for the first contest?

    Do you really mean it about "no modifications"? There are some things
    that need to be done to the part in order to get a more realistic
    render, things recommended by several folks who do a lot of rendering.
    matt, Feb 23, 2006
  17. Rob Rodriguez

    Rock Guy Guest

    Good question on the image size, I'll post this info at the site also
    but lets do a jpg format at 300dpi and a 6" x 8" (roughly) image size.
    This will alow me to create a thumbnail and a larger "downloadable"

    Submission for contest 1 will end 3/24 so you have some time. I wanted
    to be sure every one had time to finish a rendering. We will judge the
    submitted images the week of 3/27 and then on 4/1 I'll post another
    model (really no fool'in). If the rendering time period seems long for
    submissions we can shorten it up on the next contest. I was tying to
    set it up so we had 1 contest per month (3 weeks to render - 1 week to
    judge), the March contest (contest 1) just started a little early.

    I actually started working on a rendering last night and I also noticed
    the model was lacking in a few areas. To be fair I think we should
    stick to the "no modifications" rule and next time I should post a
    better model. I'm also thinking the models should be more difficult
    (ie more difficult renders) as we have more contest.

    Also, any feedback you guys want give I'm open for. I'm just kind of
    making this up as I go until we have a few contest under our belts.
    Rock Guy, Feb 23, 2006
  18. Rob Rodriguez

    Fye Guest

    I'll second the idea of the "no modification" rule. Yeah, this model
    has a whole lot of sharp edges (no pun intended), but you know, it's
    going to be a great model just for that reason too. For anyone working
    on submitting a good rendering, it will make them think long and hard
    about how to best present the model itself - you'll want to maximize
    the "good parts" and minimize the "bad parts" of the model. That in
    itself is going to be a good lesson!
    Fye, Feb 24, 2006
  19. Rob Rodriguez

    Fye Guest

    I'm working on a macro that might help with your contest Rob. It
    gathers all the photowoks system settings and saves it as a report
    file. That way, it will be especially easy to save the current
    settings for a particular rendering. This report can be posted for
    others to reference if they wish. It's as easy to use as this:

    1. Have your model open.
    2. Run the macro.
    3. Choose a destination directory to save the report (includes a
    Windows "Find Folder" dialog).
    4. That's all!

    I'm not sure if I can make it work for all the settings (materials,
    lights, etc.), but at least this is a start.

    A sample of the report document is in the next post:
    Fye, Mar 6, 2006
  20. Rob Rodriguez

    Fye Guest

    (Sample Report Output)

    PhotoWorks Options

    Generated on: 3/6/2006 10:14:06 AM
    Report Saved In: C:\TEMP
    Animator File: lamppost.SLDPRT

    System Options:
    Display preview window = False
    Clear image before rendering = False
    Display progress/abort dialog = True
    Overwrite SolidWorks properties = False
    Use SolidWorks materials = False
    Use SolidWorks physical materials = False
    Enable dynamic help = True
    Screen image gamma correction = 1

    Document Properties:
    Display preview window = False
    Anti-aliasing quality = Medium
    Enable depth settings = False
    Number of reflections = 1
    Number of refractions = 4
    Enable memory settings = False
    RayTraceDepth = 41
    Minimum = 20
    Maximum = 50
    Maximum memory allocation = 0
    Minimum = 1
    Maximum = 2000

    Contour rendering = Render model only (not contours)
    Line thickness = 2
    Minimum = 1
    Maximum = 100
    Contours fade with depth = False
    Depth fade = 5
    Minimum = 0
    Maximum = 10
    Line color = (255, 255, 255)
    Background color = (0, 0, 0)

    Enable indirect illumination = False
    Use default radius = True
    Default value = 2.28217856727377
    Custom radius = 0
    Minimum = 0
    Maximum = 5000
    Amount of indirect illumination = 25
    Minimum = 25
    Maximum = 400
    Enable caustic = False
    Use default caustic radius = True
    Default value = 0.912871427580624
    Custom caustic radius = 0
    Minimum = 0
    Maximum = 5000
    Caustic accuracy = 100
    Minimum = 0
    Maximum = 200
    All materials cast and receive caustics by default = True
    Enable global illumination = False
    Use default radius = True
    Default value = 1.82574285516125
    Custom global illumination radius = 0
    Minimum = 0
    Maximum = 5000
    Accuracy = 500
    Minimum = 0
    Maximum = 2000
    All materials cast and receive global illumnation by default = True

    File Locations:
    Custom folders:
    #active custom folders = 0
    Autoload selected folders = True
    Suppress standard materials = False
    Search paths:
    Number of paths = 0
    Search sub-folders = False


    End of Report
    Fye, Mar 6, 2006
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