photoworks material library conversion

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mamba, Nov 12, 2003.

  1. Mamba

    Mamba Guest

    Could someone plse help me out here

    In SW2001+ / 2003, prior to the photoworks 2 release, I had a few material
    libraries I used. Now, in 2004, I am being told that these libraries need to
    be translated before they can be used in version 2.

    I dowloaded the initial photoworks 2 that came with SW SP 3.1, and there is
    a program called miconv.exe with wich to translate libraries.

    But.... I have already set up SW2004 and removed 2003. Is there a way to
    convert the libraries with SW2004 instead of 2003? When I try it out nothing

    Or do I need a running 2003 SP3.1 or up to do the conversion?

    Mamba, Nov 12, 2003
  2. You need to do your conversions in 2003 Sp 3.1. The reason for this is 2003
    had both PhotoWorks 1 & PhotoWorks 2 installed so the conversion process
    could translate between the two. SolidWorks 2004 does not support
    PhotoWorks 1.
    Rob Rodriguez, Nov 12, 2003
  3. Also any part that was rendered in PW1 I believe needs to be opened and the
    legacy data updated to PW2 It always said.
    'If you do not translate the legacy data to PW2 you will be unable to use it
    in the next version of SolidWorks.' (paraphrased)
    So if you already have updated these parts to 2004 you are as they say

    Corey Scheich, Nov 13, 2003
  4. Mamba

    Mamba Guest

    The parts I wanted to use were still prior 2003 SP3.1.

    I installed SW2003 SP3.1 on another machine today, and used the conversion
    tool to update my custom material archive. Lots of errors, only half of the
    materials survived.

    Started SW, with Photoworks 1; parts & rendering ok, although some errors

    started SW with Photoworks 2; parts legacy translated, loads of material

    Spent nearly full day trying to figure out how to rebuild my material
    archive. Too many errors. Gave up, and started to build new material archive
    in SW2004. I have to admit PW2 looks good.... but I would like some of the "
    old" standard materials back. Names are the same, but they seem to behave

    Anyway, does not happen too often, I guess.......

    Mamba, Nov 13, 2003
  5. I didn't have good luck with the conversion process either.
    Rob Rodriguez, Nov 14, 2003
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