PhotoWorks Contest Voting

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by robrrodriguez, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. Thirty three entries, forty eight total images, only one winner. Who
    will it be? The voting count down for the November PhotoWorks
    Rendering Contest has begun. In an attempt to keep voting as fair as
    possible the voting for the November contest will be a little
    different than past contest. For the November contest you will vote
    for your three favorite images. As with past contests each vote will
    be cast by clicking on the "vote for image X" link under each entry.
    You'll do this three separate times to vote for your three favorite
    images. Not only will this month's winner receive one of the standard
    SolidWorks prizes but their image will also be featured in Matt
    Lombard's new surfacing book arriving in April '08.

    Thirty three entries, forty eight total images, only one winner. Who
    will it be? Only you can decide.
    robrrodriguez, Nov 26, 2007
  2. robrrodriguez

    jon_banquer Guest

    I really don't do or have a need for any rendering but if I did I
    can't see why I would use PhotoWorks. I've spent about an hour playing
    with PhotoWorks. Didn't do much for me.

    This product looks easier and better.

    Am I missing some advantage of using PhotoWorks?

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Nov 26, 2007
  3. robrrodriguez

    brewertr Guest

    brewertr, Nov 26, 2007
  4. robrrodriguez

    ChamberPot Guest

    Yes, shit-for-brains, you are missing something. If you make a change in
    SW and want to take it to some external rendering pkg, you have to
    re-export/importa and reassigne materials if you do it with Phtotwoks,
    thats not a problem.

    What happened to your "integrated-seemless-unified" bandwagon, get a
    flat tyre?


    ChamberPot, Nov 27, 2007
  5. robrrodriguez

    Cliff Guest

    You are asking how clueless you are?
    How about whining for a video demo or some pretty
    Cliff, Dec 1, 2007
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