Photowork decal and drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Claude MUGNIER, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. SW2008 i print a draw but the decal on a the part dont appaer by printing.
    Sw2007 it's OK

    Claude MUGNIER, Nov 7, 2007
  2. Claude MUGNIER

    zxys Guest

    Yep, looks like it has been checked hided as the default???

    Uncheck it here...
    PhotoWorks/Options/System Options/Hide decals in SolidWorks

    zxys, Nov 7, 2007
  3. It's not just you it happens to Claude. Moi Aussi! If I reboot,
    soetimes I can print a drawing with a decal, sometimes seems
    random. I find that if I open the drawing without first opening the
    model, I cannot see the decal in the drawing, but it does appear in
    print preview and prints OK, but if I open the part I can see the
    decal on the part and it is there on the drawing, but does not appear
    in the print preview or on the print! As I said, If I reboot,
    sometimes this is fixed and it works normally.
    SimonNewDesign, Nov 14, 2007
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